• Chicano Music Group Boycotts Israel Consulate Concert

    By Will Quetzal, an East Los Angeles-based group, turned down an invitation to perform at a May 17 concert (“Fiesta Shalom” – seriously) designed to improve Latino-Jewish relations because it was sponsored by the Israeli consulate. The band issued the following statement. To Whom It May Concern: Quetzal will not be performing at the Fiesta […]

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  • Boycott of Israeli goods underway as occupying administration bans Palestinian dairy products

    Jerusalem / PNN – In the wake of a decision by the occupying Israeli administration to prevent all Palestinian dairy products from reaching Jerusalem shops, a boycott is underway. Using a frequent tool of the nonviolent Palestinian resistance, Khaled Mansour is coordinating a grassroots campaign to boycott Israeli goods. Operating under the umbrella of the […]

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  • Boycott of Israeli goods in Hebron to ensure that “occupation does not return a profit”

    Hebron / PNN – The southern West Bank city of Hebron and its entire governorate is being targeted with the ferocity currently directed at East Jerusalem. A few hundred ultra-extremist settlers are rapidly overtaking more Palestinian land, a process that has been slowly underway for years. Along with southern Nablus, the Hebron area houses some […]

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  • AIPAC ED fears the growing movement to sanction Israel could fundamentally change US policy towards Israel. He’s right.

    One of the most interesting speeches given at the AIPAC Policy Conference was one that received the least media attention. AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr addressed the capacity crowd Sunday night before Newt Gingrich, and he came with a stern and clear warning – there is a growing movement to de-legitimize Israel in the eyes […]

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  • Fair trade supports Palestinian farmers

    The International Fair Trade Association aims to provide farmers in the developing world with a fair share of the profits. For a Palestinian olive oil company which markets its product through the association, exports have soared after Israel’s war on Gaza. Al Jazeera’s Nour Odeh reports from the West Bank, where Israeli restrictions have barred […]

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  • Stop Veolia running the London Cycle Hire Scheme

    Palestine campaigners call on London Mayor to say “Peddle Off to Veolia,” for supporting the Israeli occupation The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has called on the Mayor of London Boris Johnson and Transport for London (TFL) to exclude the French transport company Veolia from bidding for the contact to run London”s proposed free cycle hire […]

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  • Strasbourg Boycott

    Dear friends, chers amis, liebe Freunde, Here you find some pictures from our yesterday’s bicycle-rally through Strasbourg, “in the rain” “Boycott Israel”. Escaping from rain we had become subject of a turmoil with security guards of the “LES HALLES” commercial center, who wouldn’t – “par order of the center’s direction” – let us in, because […]

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  • Open Letter to the Labor Research Association: Don’t Honor Israeli Apartheid

    As longtime labor and anti-apartheid activists, we strongly disagree with the decision to honor Stuart Appelbaum at tonight”s annual dinner of the Labor Research Association in New York City. The LRA”s dinner program praises Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, for building “relationships with community organizations in an effort to expand […]

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  • Arab and international farmers conference calls for boycott of Israel

    The agricultural unions and non-governmental organizations present at the conference on “The agricultural sector in Gaza between reality and challenges”, organized in Amman in March 2009, have called in their final declaration, among others, for the world to impose sanctions, to start all forms of boycott campaigns and to withdraw investments from Israel. FULL TEXT: […]

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