National M.E.Ch.A. Endorses Palestinian Boycott Call Against Israel
Latin@ Groups Across US Take Historic Stand at 19th Annual Conference; Decision Announced on National César Chávez Day At the 18th annual national conference of M.E.Ch.A. (Movímíento Estudíantíl Chícan@ de Aztlán), the largest association of Latin@ youth in the US, chapter leaders voted by a landslide decision to endorse the global call for Boycott, Divestment, […]
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Debating BDS: On Normalization and Partial Boycotts
The following statement was issued by PACBI on April 1, 2012: Two of the most important issues that arise in debating Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), particularly in Western countries, are (A) whether or not Palestinians should be working with Israelis rather than boycotting them, and (B) whether supporters of BDS should fully boycott Israel […]
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Palestinian Appeal to Legal Scholars: Boycott INjustice Conference at Hebrew University!
The following appeal was issued by PACBI: Occupied Ramallah 2 April 2012 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) urges international legal scholars and professionals to boycott the Minerva Jerusalem Conference on Transitional Justice, scheduled for 29-31 October 2012 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an academic institution that is […]
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“Sí, se puede!” : Palestinian civil society salutes US Chicano/Latin@ youth for their principled stand in support of BDS
The Boycott National Committee issued the following statement saluting MEChA for their resolution in support of BDS: Occupied Palestine, 29 March 2012 – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broadest coalition of Palestinian political parties, trade unions, NGOs and networks, warmly salutes the National Movímíento Estudíantíl Chícan@ de Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A), the […]
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Palestinian rights activists join BDS Global Day of Action commemorating Land Day
The following statement was issued by the Boycott National Committee: Occupied Palestine, 31 March 2012 – Supporters of Palestinian rights across the world have taken action in support of the campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law to mark Palestinian Land Day on March 30. Land Day, […]
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USACBI congratulates Carleton students on divestment vote victory
USACBI, the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, sends hearty congratulations to the graduate students at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, for their March 21 and 22 landmark vote to divest from the Israeli occupation of Palestine. We also congratulate SAIA (Students Against Israeli Apartheid) for their ongoing work to build a campus divestment movement at […]
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Press Release: Gaza is Dying
Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine–We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Israeli war crimes committed against our people in the Gaza Strip. We call on the international community and the Arab and Islamic worlds to take up their responsibility to protect the Palestinian people from this heinous aggression and immediately terminate the continuing Israeli policy […]
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Syria Solidarity Statement 03/2012
This Syria solidarity statement was initiated by Tadamon! Montreal. The Syrian people continue to demand their rights and liberties and the end of the al-Assad regime. The Syrian state has responded with brutal repression. Since the uprising began, the Syrian regime”s propaganda machine has labelled those calling for freedom and justice “criminals”, “terrorists” and religious […]
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South African-Palestinian music video celebrates common struggle against racial intolerance
Published by Ali Abunimah at the Electronic Intifada: In a first ever musical collaboration between South Africa and Palestine, South African band, The Mavrix and Palestinian Oud player, Mohammed Omar, have released a music video called “The New Black.” The song is taken from The Mavrix”s upcoming album, Pura Vida, set for release in June. The […]
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Colonization of the Mind: Normalize This!
Published first in the Palestine Chronicle. By Samah Sabawi (Full Transcript. Excerpts from this speech were presented at the University of Sydney Australia during Israeli Apartheid Week 2012.) I would like to talk about normalization. I found the best definition of the word normalization on the Palestinian Campaign for Cultural and Academic Boycott”s website: “Normalization […]
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