Don’t Dance With Apartheid: Batsheva receives institutional Israeli support
The Zionist Federation UK will be demonstrating in support of Batsheva and Israel outside the Edinburgh Playhouse Theatre. Israeli Minister Limor Livnat will attend one of the Israeli State-sponsored dance group”s three performances for the Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) for three nights beginning Thursday August 30th. EIF Director Jonathan Mills has publicly warned pro-Palestine demonstrators not to […]
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InCACBI Statement on the India-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Do not talk free trade with a state that deprives Palestinians of free trade in their own lands! August 24, 2012 We, a group of academics, activists and artists in India, came together in 2010 to campaign against yet another apartheid regime by extending support to the international campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. (Visit our websitewww.incacbi.in for […]
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English translation: BNC statement against Munib al-Masri normalization project
The following statement was issued by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in Arabic (original here) in response to the launch of an initiative, discussed here in Ha’aretz, by Palestinian billionaire Munib al-Masri and Israeli supermarket businessman Rami Levi (whose supermarkets sell numerous settlement products, as well as branches in most settlements). […]
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Haifa University institutionalized racism: Muslim, Christian and Druze holidays excluded
Israeli academic institutions are complicit in Israeli occupation, racism, and military research and development. They also routinely practice racism and discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel. Numerous documented incidents of official institutionalized racism at Haifa University have emerged in recent months. The Hebrew article at this link to Ha’aretz deals with the new Haifa University diaries, noting that they include […]
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USACBI welcomes Fred Moten to its Organizing Collective
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is delighted to welcome Fred Moten, Helen L. Bevington Professor of Modern Poetry at Duke University and leading scholar, to its Organizing Committee. Fred Moten was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and educated at Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley. He is author of In the […]
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Social Text: The US Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: Unsettling Exceptionalisms
Social Text journal is launching an online dossier of articles by the members of the
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PACBI: UN Sponsorship of Joint Palestinian-Israeli Orchestra Undermines Palestinian Civil Resistance
A Letter Regarding UN Sponsorship of Joint Palestinian-Israeli Orchestra Mr. Robert Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Occupied Jerusalem July 24, 2012 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is alarmed that the UN is organizing a concert for the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (WEDO), to be held […]
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USACBI issues letter to university presidents after Israel tour
Prominent scholars and human rights activists issued an open letter (download PDF) to university presidents who participated in a recent tour (July 1-9, 2012) of Israel designed to bolster cooperation between US and Israeli universities sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, calling upon the university officials to “not…pursue institutional relationships between your universities and Israeli […]
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The Academic Boycott of Israel – Patrick Bond and Muhammed Desai
One of South Africa”s largest tertiary institutions, the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in Durban, is a site of multiple controversies, but a near-disaster on Monday deserves more reflection because it points us in a positive direction: away from allying with the Israeli state and its apartheid policies during a time of heightened racism. A representative of […]
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Nino Katamadze Will Not Play Apartheid Israel
Via Refrain Playing Israel: Nino Katamadze, international jazz singer from Georgia, has just cancelled her entire concert tour in apartheid Israel scheduled for 13-17 November. She joinsother artists who have also honored the call for boycott by Palestinian Civil Society. Katamadze was contacted by Israeli group, Boycott From Within, in 2011, in a letter stating: We, Israeli citizens, members […]
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