• September 29, Webinar: Why an academic boycott?

    Why an Academic Boycott? Webinar with Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Legal and US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel Tuesday, September 29th at 5pm PST/8pm EST Do you have questions or concerns about the academic boycott of Israel? Do you support economic boycotts, but are worried about academic freedom? Come join […]

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  • Partha Chatterjee: Why I Support the Boycott of Israeli Institutions

    USACBI is honored to republish this essay by Partha Chatterjee, Professor of Anthropology and Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University, and of the Centre for the Studies of Social Sciences in Calcutta, and notes his endorsement of the USACBI call as well as the Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic […]

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  • Petition: Tell Kanye West: Don’t be “Heartless” – Don’t Play Apartheid Israel!

    The following petition was created by Jews for Palestinian Right of Return. USACBI urges everyone to sign on to this petition and support this effort to build the cultural boycott of Israel. US artist Kanye West is scheduled to perform on September 30 in Apartheid Israel. There is still time to cancel this event: please […]

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  • USACBI welcomes Craig Willse to the Organizing Collective

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is pleased to welcome Craig Willse to its Organizing Collective. Craig Willse is an assistant professor of cultural studies at George Mason University, where he is also the faculty adviser for Students Against Israeli Apartheid. He helped write and organize around an academic boycott […]

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  • Resolution on Palestinian right to education to be considered at American Historical Association meeting

    Historians Against the War have submitted a resolution for consideration at the upcoming annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Atlanta on January 7-10, 2016, focusing on Palestinian right to education and its denial at the hands of the Israeli state. In order to support the resolution and educate the AHA membership about the […]

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  • Academics’ statement: Obama must end support for Israeli apartheid against Palestinian scholars

    The following statement, by a diverse group of scholars, including J. KÄ“haulani Kauanui of the USACBI Advisory Board, was posted on Electronic Intifada on September 3, 2015.  We repost the statement here as an important document of the oppression and denial of academic freedom that Palestinian scholars suffer at the hands of the Israeli state: Obama […]

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  • September 21, South Africa: Protest Against Pharrell Williams/Woolworths Collaboration

    Pharrell Williams has been paid to perform in SA by Woolworths (which trades with Israel in violation of the BDS boycott of Israel). Williams lands in SA a week after performing in Tel Aviv, Israel (in violation of the boycott of Israel. “Pharrell die veraaier veruil die Palestyne vir geld!” DATE: Monday 21 September 2015 […]

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  • UE Becomes First National U.S. Union to Endorse BDS

    UE, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, held its national convention in Baltimore August 16-20. Delegates acted on 37 resolutions on collective bargaining, organizing, and political issues, and they upheld UE”s long tradition of courageous stands on foreign policy issues when they adopted the resolution on Palestine and Israel. It points to Israel”s long […]

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  • InCACBI protests against Israeli film festival hosted by the Israeli Consul in Bangalore

    Let our cultural events say No to Israeli apartheid! InCACBI protests against Israeli film festival hosted by the Israeli Consul in Bangalore We, a group of academics, artists and activists in India came together in June 2010 to extend support to the international campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel (www.incacbi.in). We have, over the years, […]

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  • Join us: Olympics without Apartheid!

    The following call to action was issued by the Boycott National Committee in Palestine: Like our Facebook page “Olympics without Apartheid” here! Llamado en castellano aquí­ | Chamado em portuguíªs aqui Israeli military companies, all of which are deeply involved in Israel”s war crimes against the Palestinian people, among others, see the Olympic Games as […]

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