• Video: Zionist Lawfare and the Boycott Movement – Building Solidarity and Resistance

    On October 21, the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel kicked off its national academic defense campaign with an event in San Francisco discussing the use of “lawfare” to attack anti-racist, progressive movements and the need to strategize to build solidarity in response. Watch the video online: Speakers are: Liz Jackson, […]

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  • Stand together against Kenneth Marcus’ attacks on student and faculty rights

    We the undersigned stand against the efforts of Kenneth Marcus, Trump’s appointed head of the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education, to suppress the free speech and academic freedom of students and faculty who support Palestinian rights. Universities should be a place where professors are free to teach and express […]

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  • USACBI stands with Prof. John Cheney-Lippold: join us in support

    The following USACBI statement is also supported by a growing list of faculty (see below). To join this call to conscience, sign our online petition of support: https://www.change.org/p/stand-with-john-cheney-lippold. To support our campaign to Boycott Study Abroad in Israel, visit our campaign page: http://usacbi.org/boycott-study-abroad-in-israel/ ** USACBI stands in strong support of John Cheney-Lippold, an associate professor of American […]

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  • Boycott Study Abroad in Israel | Research to Assist Your Campaign

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is working with organizations, faculty and students to Boycott Study Abroad in Israel on campuses and communities across the country and around the world. The research overview below provides background information, analysis, specific problematic programs and resources to learn more and help you organize at your […]

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  • New Activist Toolkit Released: Boycott Study Abroad in Israel Campaign

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel has launched a new activist toolkit for students and others to use when creating campaigns to Boycott Study Abroad in Israel on their campuses and in their communities. The toolkit contains an array of useful resources and information, from tips on researching a campaign […]

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  • USACBI protests wrongful termination of professor Mazen Adi by Rutgers University

    The Organizing Collective of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel protests and condemns in strongest terms the wrongful termination of the employment  of Professor Mazen Adi by Rutgers University. According to exchanges between Professor Adi and Rutgers staff, including Rutgers Chancellor Debasish Dutta and President Robert Barchi, Rutgers breached its contract with Dr. […]

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  • USACBI condemns British Labour Party’s adoption of IHRA’s “antisemitism definition”

    The United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) condemns the British Labour Party’s adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance “definition of antisemitism.” The adoption serves only the interests of the Zionist enablers of Israel’s apartheid state. It is an attempt to exclude entirely from British politics, and especially the […]

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  • USACBI condemns Israeli violations of Palestinian academic freedom

    The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) condemns in the strongest terms Israel’s latest breaches of academic freedom in Palestine and stands in solidarity with the Palestinian students and faculty affected by them the most. While an immense effort is being made by supporters of Israel to promote the ostensible […]

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  • USACBI Calls for Student Government Resolutions Condemning Canary Mission

    The United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel congratulates the student government at the University of California Davis for being the first such group in the country to collectively condemn Canary Mission, the anonymous on-line blacklist of students and activists supporting Palestinian human rights. USACBI  stands with and encourages student governments […]

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  • USACBI letter calls on scientists to reject settlement university conference, support academic boycott of Israel

    The following letter was sent to the invited participants of “Inflation, Alternatives and Gravitational Waves,” a conference taking place at Ariel University, a settler university constructed in an illegal settlement in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, from September 3-6, 2018. Initiated by USACBI Organizing Collective member and mathematician Prof. David Klein and signed by […]

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