Racist newspaper cartoon slurs Port Townsend Co-op initiative to boycott Israeli goods
August 19, 2010 Following the historic decision of the food co-op in Olympia, WA to boycott Israeli goods, a similar effort is underway at the food co-op in Port Townsend, WA, near Seattle. Like all campaigns answering the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel, part of the goal is to generate […]
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TAKE ACTION: Sign Petition to Cancel Study Abroad in Israel
The Education Abroad Program (EAP) Equality Coalition, a group of concerned faculty and students at UC Davis, is today presenting a letter endorsed by 389 signatories to Vice Provost William Lacy requesting that the university discontinue its Summer Program in Israel, opened this year. The letter contains both individual signatures and endorsements from organizations such […]
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The IDC is qualifying a ballot initiative in California, titled the Divestment of State Retirement Funds from Israel Act, to require California’s public retirement systems, the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS) and the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), to sell stocks held in companies that support Israeli settlements or provide military equipment and services to […]
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A Jewish peace group grapples with BDS
by Jeff Warner on August 13, 2010 How can BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) contribute to bringing a just peace and prosperity to the people of Israel-Palestine? That is the question LA Jews for Peace has been grappling with as the BDS idea evolves into an international movement. LA Jews want to be part of […]
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Urge TIAA/CREF to Divest
Thursday, August 12, 2010 If you are/were in education and have a TIAA/CREF retirement account, please call and ask them to stop investing in Israel. Making money from apartheid is inconsistent with the stated ideals and goals of this special investment company. Call: 1 800 719-1193. Press 0 to get a live person, confirm your […]
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Besieging Israel’s siege
In just a few years the Palestinian campaign to boycott Israeli goods has become truly global o Omar Barghouti o The Guardian, Thursday 12 August 2010 Despite Israel’s siege of Gaza, and the escalating displacement in the Negev and East Jerusalem, Palestinians have some reason to celebrate. In Washington a food co-op has passed a […]
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Not A Very Ahava Christmas!
Wanted to remind everyone to check out our FB group, where I have been posting recent news items, blogs and videos about the Ahava boycott. I also wanted to share this post from a professional beauty site about Ahava’s new “Christmas Gifts of Love.” Please send me any slogans, taglines or the like you think […]
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Around the World, Dockworkers Blockade Israeli Ships
By Mike Elk On June 20, ILWU Local 10 dockworkers in Oakland, Calif., refused to unload an Israeli Zim Lines ship for 24 hours. Their protest was supported by more than 800 rallying local activists, the San Francisco Labor Council and the Alameda County Labor Council (the equivalent of local branches of the AFL-CIO). Workers […]
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Don’t let Armatrading play us as supporters of Israeli racism and apartheid
by Women of Color in the Global Women”s Strike, Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid Joan Armatrading”s statement posted on her homepage calling on leaders of Israel and Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshal, to “take that step” to solve “the problem” is a backwards way of acknowledging protests of her recent […]
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Boycott of Israeli Goods
?Thanks to Phan Nguyen, the original author, and Works In Progress, the original publisher. 1. Boycott is a tactic, not a principle. This concept was most eloquently detailed by Nelson Mandela. A boycott is initiated to create change. It is not a tool of rejection, retribution, punishment, or disgust. When workers go on strike, it […]
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