Land Day 2009 And BDS Global Week Of Action Against The Crisis And War
Posted by RORCoalition on Wed, 03/25/2009 – 12:12 By Eileen Fleming [Countercurrents.org] 24 March, 2009 – The Global Week of Action; a call for BDS/Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions begins March 28th through April 4, 2009. March 30, 2009 will commemorate the 33rd annual Land Day nonviolent solidarity demonstrations and actions in Palestine and the diaspora. […]
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Worried about apartheid? Too late, Mr Olmert, it’s already here
Tony Karon In one of her last acts as US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice had Nelson Mandela”s name removed from America”s terrorist watch list. Many Americans were shocked to learn that their favourite former political prisoner had ever been deemed a terrorist. That is because they had forgotten, or were too young to know, […]
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List of global Actions for March 30 – BDS Action Day
Posted by StopTheWall on Tue, 03/24/2009 – 09:16 Palestine – Many demonstrations are planned to commemorate March 30 as the Palestinian Land Day with a special focus on the national BDS campaign. Worldwide – Activities are already planned in over a dozen countries around the globe. Join in these activities or organize your own. Please […]
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Divestment campaign gains momentum in Europe
Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 24 March 2009 The Swedish national pension fund AP7 is the latest institution to follow the socially responsible investment example of Dutch ASN Bank by excluding the French transportation giant Alstom from its portfolio. Alstom was excluded because of the company’s involvement in Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. Activists and […]
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Join the Global BDS Action Day, March 30th!
We urge the people and their organizations around the globe to mobilize in concrete and visible BDS actions to make this day a historic step in this new anti-apartheid movement and for the fulfillment of the rights and dignity of the people and the accountability of the powerful. Join the Global BDS Action Day, March […]
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The End of Israel’s Impunity?
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad The assault on Gaza marks the end of an era for Israel. For the second time in two years its colonial ambition has floundered in the face of determined resistance. It may persist for some time; but the trajectory is clear – it is losing both legitimacy and power. Support for it […]
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In the Diaspora: Suspended agitation
By SAMUEL FREEDMAN Entering the fall semester of 2001, I expected that the dominant political cause on American college campuses was going to be divestment from Israel. Two weeks into the term, on September 11, the prediction became irrelevant. But the effort to financially attack Israel, to single it out as a pariah state, never […]
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Apartheid: From South Africa to Israel
Ronnie Kasrils, member of the African National Congress, said that Israel’s apartheid is far worse than the South African apartheid. In his recent talk, in Vancouver, BC, he explains why this is so.
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On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Eliminating Racial Discrimination Against Palestinians Means Joining the Movement Against Israel’s Apartheid
[BADIL, Occupied Bethlehem] March 21 was selected as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination because it is the day in 1960 when police forces killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid “pass law” system in Sharpeville, South Africa. Today an equal if not more extensive pass law system dominates […]
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Ann Arbor call for BDS at People’s Food Coop
Public Commentary Henry Herskovitz: Herskovitz noted that the day marked the sixth anniversary of the death in Rafah of Rachel Corrie, an American citizen, who on March 16, 2003 was crushed by bulldozer (manufactured in the U.S.) driven by a soldier-driver with the Israeli military. Herskovitz described her death as a “murder.” He said that […]
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