A turning point for the US solidarity movement
Nada Elia, The Electronic Intifada, 16 September 2009 This weekend at the eighth annual US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation national organizers’ conference held in Chicago, delegates from the approximately 300 member groups that make up the US Campaign voted in favor of an academic and cultural boycott of Israel. The vote came on […]
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Palestinian village calls for Swedish divestment from occupation
Open letter, Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements – Bilin Village, 14 September 2009 The following open letter was issued by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements – Bilin Village (occupied West Bank) on 10 September 2009: Dear Friends in Sweden, We have learned with dismay that Sweden, a great supporter of […]
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Veolia still intertwined with Israel’s occupation
Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 16 September 2009 After years of campaigning by Palestine solidarity activists to end the French transportation giant Veolia’s complicity with Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, it was reported in early June that the company planned to end its involvement in an Israeli light rail project being built on occupied Palestinian […]
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Brazilian Parliament Calls for the Freeze of the Israel – Mercosur Free Trade Agreement
This decision is an enormous blow for Israel”s economy and foreign relations The Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense has recommended that the parliament should not ratify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the State of Israel until “Israel accepts the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders”. […]
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U.S. pension fund giant confirms divestment from Israel firm
By Ora Coren, TheMarker The U.S. pension fund giant, TIAA-CREF, confirmed in statements to the media on Friday that it divested from Africa Israel Investments, owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, earlier this year. The statements came in response to a letter initiated by a pro-Palestinian group, Adalah-NY, and signed by TIAA-CREF clients. The fund’s […]
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Professors Urge TIAA-CREF to Divest From Company Involved in West Bank Settlements
September 11, 2009 By Emma L. Carew [Update (9/12, 6:20 a.m.)] Adalah-NY, an advocacy group pushing for TIAA-CREF to divest stock holdings in Africa-Israel Investments Ltd., a company involved in Israeli settlements in the West Bank, issued a news release overnight stating that TIAA-CREF had in fact already sold the stock in question. The Adalah-NY […]
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Report and Statement Indicate that TIAA-CREF Has Divested from Africa-Israel
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY, September 11, 2009 – TIAA-CREF confirmed in statements to the media today that it divested from Africa-Israel earlier this year. The statements responded to a letter initiated by Adalah-NY and signed by TIAA-CREF clients calling on TIAA-CREF to divest from Africa-Israel, owned by Lev Leviev. A TIAA-CREF spokesperson told […]
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TIAA-CREF Clients Ask Fund to Divest from Leviev’s Africa-Israel Due to Israeli Settlements
(CORRECTION: The report that Adalah-NY references showing TIAA-CREF investment in Africa-israel was actually dated March 31, 2009. This report seems to be no longer available on the TIAA-CREF website, though a copy is available from Adalah-NY. The June 30th report has been made available online in its place as of the past several days by […]
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TIAA-CREF: Don’t Invest Our Pension Funds In Israeli Settlements
September 10th, 2009 Dear TIAA-CREF: We, the undersigned clients, are writing you because of our deep concern upon discovering that TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, College Retirement Equities Fund) is investing pension funds in Africa-Israel, a company that is actively violating human rights and international law. Africa-Israel, principally owned by real estate and diamond […]
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Why stop with Elbit?
By Amira Hass The question is not why Norway divested from the defense electronics giant Elbit Systems, but why only now, and why only from that company? The country that gave the name of its capital city to what the world thought of as a peace process is still invested in companies involved in construction […]
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