• Palestine/Israel: A Single State, with Liberty and Justice for All, Regardless of Religion

    by Susan Abulhawa with Ramzy Baroud / December 26th, 2009 Prior to the establishment of Israel, Palestine had been a multi-religious and multi-cultural country. Christians, Muslims and Jews, Armenians, Greek Orthodox, to name a few, all had a place there; and all lived in relative harmony. Other nations fought wars and waged epic struggles to […]

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  • ‘Israel resembles a failed state’

    By Ali Abunimah One year has passed since the savage Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, but for the people there time might as well have stood still. Since Palestinians in Gaza buried their loved ones – more than 1,400 people, almost 400 of them children – there has been little healing and virtually no […]

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  • Veolia, Alstom in legal muddle

    Firms face trial over west bank project * By Abbas Al Lawati, Staff Reporter * Published: December 25, 2009 * Gulf News Dubai: Two French transport giants Veolia and Alstom could face trial in France over their involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail project that aims to link the eastern and western parts of Occupied […]

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  • What is the Aim of the Gaza Freedom March? – Interview with Dr. Haidar Eid

    By Bianca Zammit – Gaza As the days of December 2009 draw in, two events which each have a role to play in world peace draw closer. The first is on the 27th and is commemorating the start of the 22 day attacks on Gaza, an operation which targeted unarmed civilians, schools, hospitals, journalists and […]

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  • 10 Good Things About 2009 (& BDS is #4 on the list!)

    By Medea Benjamin My almost annual list of ten good things about the waning year has never before posed such a tremendous challenge. In the face of this challenge, I decided to try a minimalist thought experiment, blocking out the many baneful events that colored 2009, and instead seeking out the small, yet powerfully bright […]

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  • Flashpoints Update on Growing BDS Movement to Combat Israeli Apartheid in Palestine

    Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 Posted on December 16, 2009 by Flashpoints We feature a series of frontline reports from the Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, where police beat protesters and prevented key activists from participating in the talks; also, an update on the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to combat Israeli apartheid in Palestine, […]

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  • When Will It Be Our Time?

    By MUSTAFA BARGHOUTHI Published: December 16, 2009 RAMALLAH, WEST BANK – I have lived my entire adult life under occupation, with Israelis holding ultimate control over my movement and daily life. When young Israeli police officers force me to sit on the cold ground and soldiers beat me during a peaceful protest, I smolder. No […]

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  • Sections of Goldstone Report Very Useful for BDS and related campaigns

    This is to bring your attention to the fact that there is a section in the Goldstone Report that affirms the analysis of Israel as a regime that combines occupation, colonialism and apartheid. This makes the Goldstone Report also very relevant for – the BDS Campaign – Israeli Apartheid Week – and campaign against the […]

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  • Israel, the Palestinians and Apartheid: The Case for Sanctions and Boycott

    4th December 2009 The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) – University of London On 4th December 2009, the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) and SOAS Palestine Society organised a public meeting putting forward the case for sanctions and boycott of Israel. Amongst the speakers were several from the South African […]

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  • *BNC Welcomes the */*Kairos*/* Document of Leading Christian Palestinians

    “A moment of truth–A word of faith from the heart of Palestinian suffering”* Occupied Palestine: 11 December 2009 Today, prominent Christian Palestinian leaders are releasing a historical /Kairos/ document, calling on Churches around the world “to say a word of truth and to take a position of truth with regard to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian […]

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