• A Vote for Israel’s Accession to the OECD is a Vote in Support of Israel’s War Crimes and Other Grave Violations of International Law

    Palestinian civil society urges the peoples and governments of OECD member states to defer Israel’s OECD accession until it respects international law and the human rights of the Palestinian people and shows commitment to the fundamental values shared by OECD members. BNC, Palestine, 15 March 2010 – The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) […]

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  • Campaign planned against Israel boycott

    By HAVIV RETTIG GUR 11/03/2010 Group working on actionable recommendations for Jewish groups and Israeli gov’t. The next few days will see the first meeting in Israel of a group of scholars and activists who are planning a new, aggressive Jewish response to the international “Boycott, Divestment, Sanction” (BDS) campaign against Israel. The group, organized […]

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  • Apartheid / apartheid

    Written by Saree Makdisi Monday, 08 March 2010 13:06 Among the highlights of my recent trip to South Africa were a tour of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg and a visit to the downtown neighborhood of Fordsie with my close friends Hanif and Salim Vally (who grew up there during the Apartheid years–an experience that […]

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  • Leaked anti-BDS document?

    I have been sent this lengthy document titled Delegitimization of Israel: “Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions”. I’m posting the whole thing here but, be warned, I said it’s lengthy and it has been suggested that it could be a double bluff intended more for the eyes of BDS advocates than BDS opponents. One of my correspondents […]

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  • IN PICTURES / Are boycotts and sanctions really effective?

    When it comes to the Middle East and other areas of the world, a certain word seems to have taken over the current affairs agenda: sanctions. While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is using every possible platform to call for painful sanctions against Iran, Israel’s ambassadors are busy contending with a movement that is calling for […]

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  • Boycott, Divest From, and Sanction Israel?: A Debate on BDS

    In 2005, a coalition of Palestinian civil society groups called for people all over the world to engage in a non-violent campaign to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel until it complies with international law. The call was inspired by the international boycott and divestment initiatives applied to South Africa in the struggle to abolish […]

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  • Moment of truth: time to boycott Israel’s entire range of injustice

    Rifat Kassis, The Electronic Intifada, 4 March 2010 Words always matter, and names always have a life of their own. But perhaps Palestine and Israel form a context in which words become positions more dramatically than in many others. The authors of the “Moment of Truth” Kairos document, which is the Christian Palestinians’ statement to […]

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  • Boycott, Divest From, and Sanction Israel?: A Debate on BDS With Omar Barghouti and Rabbi Arthur Waskow

    In 2005, a coalition of Palestinian civil society groups called for people all over the world to engage in a non-violent campaign to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel until it complies with international law. The call was inspired by the international boycott and divestment initiatives applied to South Africa in the struggle to abolish […]

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  • Inside Story – Israeli apartheid week

    A controversial campaign in the Western world links Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the treatment of blacks in apartheid South Africa, called the Israeli apartheid week. Inside Story asks: Is criticism of specific Israeli policies raising doubts about Israel’s right to exist? And is Israel now on the PR offensive to fight back?

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  • A Community Debate: Achieving a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine

    Is the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Campaign a help or hindrance? Zeev Maoz & Omar Barghouti Sunday, March 7, 2010, 7pm Doors open at 6:30pm Veterans Memorial 203 E. 14th St, Davis $5 suggested donation Omar Barghouti is an independent Palestinian researcher, commentator and human rights activist and is a founding member of the […]

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