USACBI’s Batsheva Protest at UCLA
Photographs from the protest at UCLA. The posters and banners on clothesline were made by Edie Pistolesi, with the help of her students; these b&w posters were made by Emma Rosenthal of Cafe Intifada, a cultural group. All the photos were taken by Marvin A. Gluck, except one, which was taken by Samir Twair for […]
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Protesters speak out against Israeli incursion into Gaza
Juliana Gabrovsky Published: Monday, March 2, 2009 Approximately 50 people protested outside Royce Hall at the performance of Israel”s Batsheva Dance Company on Saturday night in hopes of drawing attention to the recent Israeli incursion into Gaza. The protest was organized by the recently created U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, […]
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Updated: Art vigil will protest Israeli dance troupe’s L.A. show
The first planned action from a newly organized U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is an ad-hoc display of political art protesting another presentation of art: the performance Saturday night at UCLA’s Royce Hall by Israel’s Batsheva Dance Company. Edie Pistolesi, an art professor at Cal State Northridge, said she has […]
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Joan Manuel Serrat: “I sing better in the language they forbid me” – So do not be part of those forbidding our freedom!!!
February 26, 2009 PACBI — Ramallah, Occupied Palestine, February 26, 2009 The Palestinian community of artists and intellectuals was shocked by the news of your plans to organise a musical tour of Israel in May, despite its continued grave oppression of the Palestinian people and only a few months after its heinous war crimes and […]
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PACBI scores another small victory: Roumanoff cancels Israel Army concert
Gala de soutien aux blessés israéliens: Anne Roumanoff lí¢che l’affaire Par Le Coach le 24/02/2009 Sur le web, í§a chauffe pour Anne Roumanoff! Une lettre ouverte émise par la “Campagne pour le Boycott culturel et académique des oeuvres israéliennes” (Pacbi) circule, protestant contre la présence de l’humoriste Anne Roumanoff í un gala de soutien í […]
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Laughing at Gaza’s Destruction!
An Open Letter to Comedienne Anne Roumanof PACBI, February 19, 2009 Ramallah, Occupied Palestine, February 19, 2009 We know that your stand-up comedy brings laughter and joy to many French- speaking people around the world. As such we are shocked and disappointed to learn that you are going to perform in support of handicapped Israeli […]
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Boycott & Picket Batsheva at BAM & Everywhere
The Buzz, 2-19: Branding Israel By Paul Ben-Itzak “I think it’s not really going to make a difference to boycott a dance company…. The boycott is just preventing something that is good…. I think artists belong to a group of people who don’t represent the ugly side of Israel.” — Ohad Naharin, artistic director, Batsheva […]
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Call for Cultural Boycott of Israel
Filmmakers, Artists and Cultural Workers Call for a Cultural Boycott of Israel During the past few weeks we have borne witness to the escalation of Israeli aggression on the people of Gaza. After 18 months of Israel”s economic blockade of Gaza, including the restriction of food, medicine and humanitarian supplies, the past weeks have witnessed […]
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