• A boycott of Israeli goods is now necessary

    They were not, as Israel’s defence minister Ehud Barack ludicrously tried to claim, “an armada of hate and violence”. Nor was the Mavi Marmara “a boat of hate”, as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the Turkish ship, trying to justify his commandos gunning down nine civilians on board as they stormed the boat in […]

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  • World Cup Campaign: End Apartheid of Israel in Palestine

    Ending Israeli Apartheid in Palestine is world”s responsibility With the world focused on the 2010 world cup in symbolic South Africa the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is calling on the world community to remember the ongoing struggle against apartheid and siege in Palestine. The world is invited to openly support Palestinians against the racist apartheid […]

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  • The Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement

    Adam Horowitz and Philip Weiss June 9, 2010 | This article appeared in the June 28, 2010 edition of The Nation. In April the student senate at the University of California, Berkeley, twice held all-night sessions to debate a proposal urging the school to divest from two US military companies “materially and militarily profiting” from […]

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  • Around the world, surge of BDS in response to Gaza Flotilla massacre (and how you can get involved)

    Just a few weeks back, we reported on a renewed wave of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) activity against Israeli apartheid and occupation. That was before the Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre. Now, as calls for governments around the globe to hold the Israeli military accountable for the killing of 8 Turkish citizens and one U.S.-Turkish […]

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  • BNC Fact Sheet on EU Complicity with Israeli Crimes

    Complicit Union – a guide to EU funding of Apartheid Israel A guide to the most shocking aspects of the funding Apartheid Israel receives from the European Union under the EU-­?Israel Association Agreement. This brief deals specifically with the territories Israel occupied in 1967, namely the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. A more thorough […]

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  • Urgent Action Alert – EU and Israel set to renew Action Plan – Action Needed

    “No to the renewal of the EU-Israel Action Plan!” “Suspend the EU-Israel Trade Association Agreement!” “Call off Israel”s accession to OECD!” Occupied Palestine, 5 June 2010 – The European Union is set to renew this month the EU-Israel Action Plan as Israel”s occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip […]

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  • Israel plans to send bill to Palestinians over boycotts

    By Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem Friday, 11 June 2010 What do The Pixies, Elvis Costello, and Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, have in common? A cursory glance might suggest not much yet all have deeply irked Israel. When Mr Fayyad first embarked on a door-to-door campaign to persuade Palestinians to shun all […]

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  • Egyptian activists do flash mob on Starbucks

    Their account: Yesterday, 18 Egyptian activists gathered along with 7 International activists to create a flashmob at Starsucks cafe. We gathered right beside Starbucks cafe, we went with the Keffiyes (Palestinian scarves), Turkish flags, and BDS stickers and posters. 3 activists went inside the cafe and kept distributing a statement of boycott which is advocating […]

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  • Evergreen State students overwhelmingly pass divestment votes

    Press release, TESC Divest, 8 June 2010 The following release was issued on 2 June 2010 by TESC Divest: On 2 June 2010, students at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA, made history by passing two resolutions supporting human rights, upholding international law, and promoting a just peace in the Palestine/Israel conflict. 1. The […]

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  • Israel about to criminalize BDS

    June 9th, 2010 | by Sydney Levy What is Israel”s reaction to the growing nonviolent movement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions? Well criminalize it, of course! We just learned new bill has been introduced in the Israeli Knesset by 25 Knesset members, that would criminalize all BDS activities or even BDS advocacy inside or outside […]

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