• Darfur was a no-brainer for divestment by TIAA-CREF– why not the occupation?

    by Philip Weiss on June 17, 2010 Yesterday, Jewish Voice for Peace announced a major new divestment campaign aimed at convincing TIAA-CREF, the huge retirement fund that serves workers in the academic, cultural and medical fields, to divest from companies that serve the occupation of Palestine. JVP already has 250 signatures on its new petition, […]

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  • BDS: a moral strategy

    June 17, 2010 This is from the Israeli Occupation Archive by Stéphane Hessel, “diplomat, former ambassador, French resistance fighter and BCRA agent. Born German, he obtained French nationality in 1937”. It is an article decrying the inaction and even connivance of western governments with regard to Israel’s criminality and suggesting what can be done about […]

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  • Due to the Flotilla: Business people in Europe: “We are prohibited from doing business with you”

    The Marker — 14 June 2010 By Ora Koren http://www.themarker.com/tmc/article.jhtml?ElementId=skira20100614_1173985&log=true [Translated by Dena Bugel-Shunra*] Exclusive from Yehuda Talmon: “Companies that had been proud of their ties with the Ministry of Defense delete them from the site, as this has become cause for terminating business relationships.” Israel businessmen have received about ten letters over the past […]

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  • Turkey set to freeze ties with Israel: report

    (Reuters) – A Turkish newspaper reported on Wednesday that Turkey would halt military cooperation with Israel and not send back the ambassador it withdrew after a deadly Israeli commando operation to stop a Gaza aid convoy. World | Turkey The Turkish government has said it is working on a road map for future ties with […]

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  • Don’t boycott Israel, you cultural terrorist

    Date posted: June 14, 2010 By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH It is almost admirable how Israel can twist and turn events around so much and slap on new laws for their own benefit that it would be shameful not to call it anything less than an art form. Israel has always boasted of its law […]

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  • TIAA-CREF Divestment Campaign

    We are participants and investors in TIAA-CREF funds who are deeply concerned that TIAA-CREF invests in many companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Some of these companies provide weapons and covert surveillance supplies that maintain the occupation by force. Others take or exploit Palestinian […]

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  • San Francisco Labor Council PASSES historic resolution condemning Israeli Attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla

    San Francisco Labor Council Resolution regarding the attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla, calling for an independent international investigation, and opening of the Gaza border – PASSED 6.14.10 Whereas many labor organizations, including: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)_ World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)_ International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)_ International Dockworkers Council (IDC)_ International Federation […]

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  • The fight against Israeli apartheid

    by Tom Hickey Israel”s attack on the Gaza aid flotilla – an atrocity which saw nine unarmed aid workers killed – occurred during the lecturers” UCU annual conference. The day before, delegates debated the question of boycotting Israel and reaffirmed UCU support for the policy of boycott, disinvestment and sanctions (BDS). Delegates agreed the sidelining […]

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  • H&M caught in boycott crossfire

    Since opening three stores in Israel in March and April 2010, H&M has been targeted by our global BDS campaign. Just like when the global BDS movement contributed to the fall of apartheid in South Africa, there are companies that choose profit in Israel over social responsibility for Palestine. Our worldwide and creative protests demand […]

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  • Don’t Stand With Zionism!

    Jun 15th, 2010 | Below is a statement from Arab queer organizations. You can help by writing a letter to the US Social Forum or emailing them. We, the undersigned queer Arab organizations, are appalled by the US Social Forum”s decision to allow Stand with Us to utilize the event as a platform to pinkwash […]

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