• Volvo equipment: effective tool in the Israeli occupation of Palestine

    by Adri Nieuwhof, Over the past few years the use of Volvo equipment in Israel”s demolition of Palestinian homes and the construction of the wall has been documented. Mr. M. Wikforss, Vice President of Media Relations & Corporate News of Volvo Group, response to an article in The Electronic Intifada of 2 July 2007, was […]

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  • Turkey Shelves Israeli Cooperation, Considers breaking off Ties; Israel Lobbies in Congress denounce Ankara

    Posted on June 16, 2010 by Juan Cole Members of the US Congress attacked Turkey on Wednesday for voting against the UN Security Council resolution imposing further sanctions on Iran, and for its heavy criticism of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) said, “There will be a cost if Turkey stays on […]

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  • Sunday, June 20th– Make History: Picket Israeli Ship at Port of Oakland

    Don”t sleep in, make history! Join the Labor/Community Picket of an Israeli Ship Sunday, June 20 5:30 A.M., Berth 58, Port of Oakland Protest Israel”s Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla! Boycott Israeli Ships and Goods! Lift the Blockade NOW – Let Gaza Live! Bring Down Israel’s Apartheid Wall! Unions, labor federations and other organizations […]

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  • Integrating Palestine into the Progressive Left

    by: Noura Erakat As progressive forces in the United States prepare to convene the second U.S. Social Forum from June 22 – 26 in Detroit, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Noura Erakat comments on the gap between Palestinian and Arab dreams of an America committed to justice and the reality of the work it would take to […]

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  • Turkey to cut ‘all ties’ with Israel

    After an Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine Turkish citizens dead, Ankara has introduced a roadmap to “completely” cut its ties with Israel. After Israel failed to apologize or pay compensations for the killing of the Turkish citizens in its attack on the Mavi Marmara on May 31, Turkish Defense Industry Implementation […]

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  • Robert Boyce questions Israel’s continued participation in EU Research Framework Programmes

    To European Commissioner for Research Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn: As an academic connected to a research-led institution, I strongly support initiatives for strengthening research cooperation within the European Union and the European Economic Area. However, I wish to know how you can justify Israel’s continued participation in EU Research Framework Programmes when it so […]

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  • Ahava campaign comes to court

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 17 June 2010 In France, the campaign to boycott Ahava Dead Sea cosmetics has entered a new phase with boycott, divestment and sanctions advocates taking legal action against the Sephora cosmetics retail chain’s contract with the company. Ahava manufactures its cosmetics in a factory in the illegal Mitzpe Shalem settlement […]

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  • PA customs agents in Tubas seize settlement produce

    Published yesterday (updated) 17/06/2010 21:03 Tubas – Ma”an – Palestinian Authority customs agents on Thursday destroyed more produce manufactured in Israeli settlements. “Upon instructions issued by the cabinet headed by Salam Fayyad banning settlement products, large amounts of settlement agriculture produce including 150 boxes of melons and more than 60 boxes of grapes” were destroyed, […]

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  • Irish Singer Concert In Israel Canceled

    Thursday June 17, 2010 23:34 by Malak Behrouznami – Palestine News Network Report Legendary songwriter, performer and peace activist, Tommy Sands scheduled performance at the “Festival Bloomsday Concert ” Sunday June 20 has been cancelled. The appearance was canceled after Sands refused to be censored during his performance. Sands was asked by the organizers of […]

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  • Illinois Methodists vote to divest from the occupation

    by Adam Horowitz on June 17, 2010 The Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church just voted to divest all holdings in three international corporations that profit from the Israeli occupation. The press release announcing the action says, “this action is in response to a plea by Palestinian Christians for action, not just words.” […]

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