• IKEA contributes to a better everyday life for the many settlers

    IKEA delivers goods to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. IKEA”s answer to the critique is that “IKEA stores have existed in Israel for the many people since 2001” and that “IKEA”s vision is to contribute to a better everyday life for the many people.” They are certainly many, the settlers. Half a […]

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  • Food co-op in Rachel Corrie’s hometown boycotts Israeli goods

    The Olympia Food Co-op announced last week that no more Israeli products will be sold at its two grocery stores. By Natasha Mozgovaya Americans are far more supportive of Israel than Europeans, and most initiatives to boycott Israeli goods or to divest funds from companies working with Israel are unsuccessful in the United States. But […]

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  • Olympia Food Co-op removes Israeli goods from shelves; first US store to institute boycott

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Olympia, WA– The Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors has decided to boycott Israeli goods at their two locations in Olympia, Washington. At a July 15th meeting packed with Co-op members, the Board reached this consensus. The Co-op becomes the first US grocery store to publicly join the international grassroots movement for […]

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  • Open letter from Lebanon to Diana Krall: Don’t entertain an apartheid state!

    17 July 2010 Dear Ms. Krall, We learned, with great enthusiasm, that you would be performing in Lebanon on August 2nd. Many of us were excited about finally getting the opportunity to hear you live, since we had enjoyed your music for years. However, when we later learned that you are planning to perform in […]

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  • 24 hours left: Sign for divestment now!

    We have 24 hours before the leadership of TIAA-CREF, one of the largest retirement funds in the world, holds its annual meeting in New York City. We will be there, asking TIAA-CREF to divest from companies such as Veolia, a French company that owns and operates a landfill in the West Bank. This landfill uses […]

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  • Johnny Rotten invokes Clause 2 of the Israel apologists’ charter

    There’s a piece on Johnny Rotten in today’s Independent. You have to get to the end to find what an ignorant racist he has become over the decades since supporting the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. I remember a National Front supporter in a pub back in the seventies praising a report in the National […]

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  • Π.Α.ΜΕ., We Support Your Courageous Protest

    July 18, 2010 Dear members of ?.?.??. We are a group of Jews and Palestinians, citizens and residents of Israel, who are struggling to end the Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinians. We are writing to you in order to express our enthusiastic support of your courageous civil protest against the blockade of Gaza […]

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  • US voters can demand Palestine’s freedom

    Cynthia McKinney, The Electronic Intifada, 19 July 2010 In response to Israel’s deadly attack on the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla, more than 800 labor and community activists picketed America’s sixth largest port in Oakland last month. The result was a historic blockade of a large Israeli cargo ship for 24 hours. Across the world, dockworkers and […]

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  • Open Letter to John Lydon from Gaza: “˜Rise’ against the Racism

    Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine, July.18.2010 Dear John Lydon, We are academics and students from Gaza representing more than 10 academic institutions therein. Our parents and grandparents are refugees who were expelled from their homes by the nascent Israeli army in the 1948 Nakba. We have since lived in the ghetto of the Gaza Strip refugee […]

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  • Stop MUJI Campaign

    As the first Japanese retail corporation who advances into Israel, MUJI announced its plan to open a branch(shop with MUJI license) in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem in 2011. We launched “Stop MUJI Campaign” as part of world-wide BDS campaign, to call MUJI to drop the plan which could be a breakthrough for the other Japanese […]

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