• International labor report’s omissions reveal pro-Israel bias

    Sarah Irving, The Electronic Intifada, 23 July 2010 Every June, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) releases its Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights. According to a press release that accompanied the 2010 publication (which reports on events in 2009), “the Middle East remains among the regions of the world where union rights […]

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  • Thank you for standing with us on our path to freedom – A letter in support of ILWU Local 10

    July 25, 2010 Dr. Mona El-Farra Dear ILWU Local 10 members, I am writing to you from the Gaza Strip to thank you for your union action in refusing to unload an Israeli ship and to tell you a little bit about our life here. Like everyone in Gaza, I have lived through the 3-year […]

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  • Thank You, Leftfield!

    Boycott! would like to thank Leftfield and Neil Barnes in particular for cancelling Leftfield’s scheduled performance in Israel and refusing to entertain apartheid. Leftfield have demonstrated courage and humanity in this decision, and we hope others will follow and respect the Palestinian Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel until there’s freedom and justice […]

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  • Once Upon a Time, When Israel Was a Democracy

    By Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler JERUSALEM, Jul 25, 2010 (IPS) – Once upon a time, Israel for all its shortcomings, was regarded by much of the world as a true and vibrant democracy. Israelis themselves were never shy of parading their country as “the only democracy in the Middle East.” With Israel’s occupation of […]

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    Israeli parliament passes first of three readings illegalizing boycott activism or advocacy.

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  • Israeli BDS bill would turn opponents of the regime into enemies of the state

    by Yossi Gurvitz on July 25, 2010 For many years now, Israel has boasted about being “the only democracy in the Middle East.” It has never been a democracy: it has systematically discriminated against its non-Jewish citizens (for example, it was only this week that Arab villages gained access to public transit), and in order […]

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  • BDS Tour: VANNES

    A partir du 10 juillet prochain, nous allons sillonner les routes de France et faire étape dans 16 villes, pour sensibiliser la population í  la situation en Palestine, au blocus de Gaza, í  la colonisation galopante, et í  la nécessité d’une réaction citoyenne face í  ces violations du droit international qui nous concernent tous, car […]

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  • H&M Flashmobs in Sweden on July 10th

    The fifth anniversary of the BDS call was marked in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden, with BDS flashmobs visiting various shops that fund Israeli apartheid – including H&M. Activists were dressed in uniform coloured t-shirts with printed messages “Boycott Israel” and “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions”, and walked in line, silently, through the city streets and shops. […]

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  • Jeff Beck, Don’t Play Apartheid Israel!

    July 9th, 2010 Dear Jeff Beck, We are a group of Israeli citizens who respect and promote human rights for all. We call on you to make a conscientious and politically important decision to cancel your performance in Israel, scheduled for October 5th, 2010. We would like you to consider the following: Palestinians in the […]

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  • Message to Israelis who oppose BDS – go to Bil’in and see for yourself

    by Itamar Shaaltiel on July 22, 2010 The first time I stepped into a settlement was during my military service. I did a job that let me go home every night, but every now and then we were required to do something they called AVTASH, or SetSec: settlement security. I was a guard in Ganim, […]

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