• BDS Tour: Perigueux

    A partir du 10 juillet prochain, nous allons sillonner les routes de France et faire étape dans 16 villes, pour sensibiliser la population í  la situation en Palestine, au blocus de Gaza, í  la colonisation galopante, et í  la nécessité d’une réaction citoyenne face í  ces violations du droit international qui nous concernent tous, car […]

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  • Ahava Demo London

    Another in the series of fortnightly protests at the Ahava store in London. Voice over by Anna Baltzer, interviewed by Stolen Beauty, in March 2010.

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    Building Solidarity, Combating Occupation and Apartheid National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions conference Melbourne, 29 – 31 October 2010 – activism in support of Palestine – Dear friends and supporters, Thank you for your emails and words of support. We have been overwhelmed and delighted by the positive response to the conference call. We are currently […]

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  • Caterpillar Caught in Web Of Middle East Politics

    By Larry Cohler-Esses and Josh Nathan-Kazis Published July 21, 2010, issue of July 30, 2010. At first glance, the contention that a construction equipment company in Peoria, Ill., is implicated in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems strange. But earlier in July, the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States adopted a resolution that strongly criticized Caterpillar […]

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  • Food co-op in Rachel Corrie’s hometown boycotts Israeli goods

    The Olympia Food Co-op announced last week that no more Israeli products will be sold at its two grocery stores. By Natasha Mozgovaya Americans are far more supportive of Israel than Europeans, and most initiatives to boycott Israeli goods or to divest funds from companies working with Israel are unsuccessful in the United States. But […]

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  • Singing against Israel’s apartheid

    By Peter Rugh | August 2, 2010 NEW YORK–Fifty protesters commemorated the fifth anniversary of the boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against companies that support Israel’s war and occupation of Palestinian lands on July 11 by gathering in lower Manhattan for a singalong protest led by the Palestinian solidarity group Adalah. Protesters at the […]

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  • “˜Boycott Israel’ protest held Friday in Bil’in village; two injured

    Sunday August 01, 2010 12:46 Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News Around 200 Palestinians, Israelis, and internationals – including a group of hip-hop musicians from the US and Britain – joined a protest on Friday afternoon in the Palestinian village of Bil”in calling on the international community to boycott Israel in order to end Israeli apartheid […]

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  • Three More Days to Tell Diana Krall not to Play Apartheid Israel

    Only a few days left before Diana’s Israeli gig this Wednesday. Please post your messages to her in this facebook and on her own facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dianakrall On: http://www.myspace.com/dianakrall Write to Diana Krall’s management: hopper[at]hopper-management.com For your information: “Open letter from Lebanon to Diana Krall: Don”t entertain an apartheid state” http://boycottzionism.wordpress.com/open-letter-from-lebanon-to-diana-krall-don%e2%80%99t-entertain-an-apartheid-state/ Her official website: http://www.dianakrall.com/

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  • Gaza: The Enduring Siege

    by: Haidar Eid What lessons can be drawn from the anti-apartheid struggle to overcome the siege on Gaza? Overview Much attention has been paid to Israel”s “easing” of its siege of Gaza in early July 2010. Palestinians in Gaza now have access to previously banned items like pasta and chocolate. However, there is no freedom […]

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