• “Check the Label” Campaign to Boycott Israeli Dates in the UK

    [vodpod id=Video.4184276&w=425&h=350&fv=] “Check the Label” Campaign to Boycott Israeli D…, posted with vodpod Don’t let your money go towards entrenching Israel’s occupation of Palestine Check the label. Do not buy dates that come from: Israel, West Bank or Jordan Valley Dates have been Israel’s leading fruit export and account for about 15% of export from […]

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  • BDS Tour: Avignon

    A partir du 10 juillet prochain, nous allons sillonner les routes de France et faire étape dans 16 villes, pour sensibiliser la population í  la situation en Palestine, au blocus de Gaza, í  la colonisation galopante, et í  la nécessité d’une réaction citoyenne face í  ces violations du droit international qui nous concernent tous, car […]

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  • Imaging Apartheid – Poster Project for Palestine

    call for submissions: Montreal July 2010 http://imagingapartheid.org/downloads/imagingapartheid_call.pdf As the global movement in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation continues to grow, we are calling on graphic designers and artists to submit their work to IMAGING APARTHEID: the Poster Project for Palestine. Twenty-one posters will be selected from submissions collected from around the world to […]

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  • To Know Is Not Enough

    http://toknowisnotenough.info [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.962482&w=425&h=350&fv=] To Know Is Not Enough, posted with vodpod a short documentary about the Hampshire College campaign for divestment from the occupation of Palestine. Hampshire is often credited with being the first US college to divest for the occupation, and this video attempts to understand the group and the campaign that made it […]

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  • Academic Boycott on Israel Flexes Its Muscles

    WRMEA, August 2010, Pages 44-45 Southern California Chronicle Academic Boycott on Israel Flexes Its Muscles By Pat and Samir Twair WERE IT not for the eagle eyes of Nur Marsalha, a professor of religion and politics in England, perusing the program for the biennial conference of the International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS), Israel might […]

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  • Interview: “Israel has turned Gaza into the largest concentration camp in history”

    Sunday, 25 July 2010 Interview with Haidar Eid Founding member of the PCACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel). ____________________________ The world was appalled by the Israeli massacre at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. But then Gaza disappeared from Western news media. What is the situation today […]

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  • Why We Boycott Israel

    August 6, 2010 A REPLY TO THE U.S. SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY A LeftViews article by Art Young When Israeli commandos attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters on May 31, murdered nine humanitarian aid workers and seized the cargo of badly needed supplies for Gaza, they touched off an international storm of outrage that […]

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  • Tadamon! Statement in solidarity with Al Adab Magazine”¨

    6 aoí»t 2010 | August 2010, Montreal, Quebec The Tadamon! collective wishes to express its full solidarity with Mr. Samah Idriss, editor of Al Adab (“Literature”) Magazine. About Al Adab Since its inception in 1953, this important Arabic cultural magazine has played a key role in encouraging progressive thought and debate in the Arab world. […]

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  • B.D.S. Les trois lettres de la résistance pacifique palestinienne

    6 aoí»t 2010 | Lorraine Guay, Juillet 2010 Dans un récent reportage í  TV5, un habitant d”une colonie de peuplement juif, installée illégalement en plein cÅ“ur du territoire palestinien, traitait de « terroristes » de jeunes palestiniens faisant du porte-í -porte auprí¨s de leurs concitoyens pour leur demander de boycotter les produits fabriqués dans cette colonie […]

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  • Criticisms of Israel not anti-Semitic

    Published Date: 05 August 2010 IN response to Kevin Hartley’s letter, Palestine solidarity supporters do not demonise Israel – there is much that Israelis should be duly proud of. This does not mean there are not criticisms of Israel and that these are anti-Semitic. The criticisms are that Israel violates international law and human rights […]

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