• Gaza flotilla video mashup: Internet Killed Israeli PR

    Parody of Video Killed the Radio Star (the Buggles) by Minor Demographic Threat. Useful links: bdsmovement.net and palestinefreedom.org for BDS & Palestine activism resources & news, artistsagainstapartheid.org to learn more about creative resistance to Israeli Apartheid. Please share extensively! Lyrics: You had them on your wireless saying, ‘Death to Jews’ You sliced & diced & […]

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  • New guide puts Palestine history, debates in activists’ hands

    Report, The Electronic Intifada, 9 August 2010 “For 62 years, the Palestinian people have been misunderstood and oppressed, and in a small way, we hope to change that. It is in the spirit of justice that we found the inspiration to compile The Veritas Handbook,” states the website promoting a brand-new 347-page electronic book chock-full […]

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    Besieged Gaza PSCABI 9th August 2010 AN OPEN LETTER TO CHICK COREA: DON”T TURN YOUR BACK ON GAZA Dear Mr. Corea, We are a group of students from Gaza, and our only fault is being Palestinians. For that, Mr. Corea, we are imprisoned with our families and loved ones in what major Human Rights Organizations […]

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  • A necessary prelude to peace?

    by Ghada Karmi (Monday, August 9, 2010) “Beneath the official level of western governmental support for Israel, there is private disquiet about Israeli conduct. And at the popular level, there is a sea change in opinion: where Israel was once seen as the victim, it has now become the bully. In Britain, for example, the […]

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  • Words without Borders “dialogue” violates Palestinian boycott call

    Haidar Eid, The Electronic Intifada, 9 August 2010 An initiative recently launched by the prestigious online literature magazine Words without Borders entitled “Cross-Cultural-Dialogues in the Middle East,” rings alarm bells in light of the Palestinian civil society call for boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel. The initiators of this series of articles are Azareen […]

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  • Don’t let Armatrading play us as supporters of Israeli racism and apartheid

    by Women of Color in the Global Women”s Strike, Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid Joan Armatrading”s statement posted on her homepage calling on leaders of Israel and Palestine, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshal, to “take that step” to solve “the problem” is a backwards way of acknowledging protests of her recent […]

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  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Boycott of Israeli Goods

    ?Thanks to Phan Nguyen, the original author, and Works In Progress, the original publisher. 1. Boycott is a tactic, not a principle. This concept was most eloquently detailed by Nelson Mandela. A boycott is initiated to create change. It is not a tool of rejection, retribution, punishment, or disgust. When workers go on strike, it […]

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  • Iran Steps up Anti-Israeli Boycott

    Saturday, August 7, 2010 The Iranian government has upped its boycott of Israeli goods, saying it will closely monitor the enforcement of a ban on Israeli products. “No state- or non-state-owned company is allowed to sell Israeli products in the Islamic republic and the government closely monitors the matter,” said Iran’s Vice President for Parliamentary […]

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  • “˜NYT’ piece from Dead Sea “˜kibbutz’ ignores int’l boycott of its products

    by Nancy Kricorian on August 6, 2010 In “As it Shrinks, the Dead Sea Nourishes Promises of an Economic Bloom,” [New York Times, yesterday, p. A8], Isabel Kershner presents a rosy picture of what she calls the Israeli “kibbutz” of Kalia, situated on the shores of Dead Sea. Kalia is, in actuality, an illegal Jewish-only […]

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