• IKEA, international law outweighs local laws and rules

    Statement by the Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden Original statement in Swedish Open letter to IKEA: On 23 June, Swedish Radio revealed that IKEA Israel delivers goods to Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. By delivering furniture to settlements, IKEA contributes to legitimising and upholding the settlements, which according to a unanimous international opinion […]

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  • Open Letter to John Lydon/Johnny Rotten: Don’t Play Along With Apartheid

    Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign Press Release 17 Aug 2010 OPEN LETTER TO JOHN LYDON (aka JOHNNY ROTTEN) Don”t Play Along With Apartheid Israel Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign Dear John, Although you were born in Ireland, you may not be aware that on 12th August the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) launched its “boycott pledge” campaign, […]

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    Renown journalist Jonathan Cook and top Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard on apartheid & Israel.

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  • Harvard University divests from Israel

    Monday August 16, 2010 by IMEMC Staff Report In the latest declared victory for the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions movement worldwide, Harvard University, one of the most prestigious and oldest universities in the United States, has sold off all of its shares in Israeli companies. Although the university did not list a reason for the sale, student activists […]

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  • UK Embraces the Boycott

    In this part of the world, where Israel seems to be regularly singled out as the world”s bíªte noire, recent developments in Britain have given even veteran pro- Zionism watchers a sense of alarm. Even the most optimistic observers of what is loosely referred to as the “boycott, divestment and sanctions” (BDS) movement, are worried […]

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  • Settlement boycott starts to bite

    by Pamela Olson on August 17, 2010 Haaretz today notes that the settlers are becoming apoplectic because the Palestinians won’t stop boycotting settler goods, despite explicit requests by the Israelis that they do so. The article lists several settlement companies that are targeted: “Shamir Salads, Kobi Burekas, Ramat Hagolan Dairies, Jerusalem Granola, Bagel Bagel, Mei […]

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  • Ahava Demo London

    The Zionist counter demonstrators were today joined by members of the EDL fascist party in an attempt to defend the indefensible: the continued rape and occupation of Palestine and the illegal exploitation of its resources. Palestine’s own band of dedicated supporters were out in force as they are every fortnight and as they will be […]

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  • BDS court victory in London: “˜Ahava four’ found not guilty of trespass in Israeli store

    Four campaigners against Israeli apartheid were acquitted yesterday (August 10th) of all charges related to two direct action protests against the Israeli cosmetics retailer Ahava in Covent Garden, London. The campaigners locked themselves onto concrete-filled oil drums inside the shop, closing it down for two days in September and December of 2009. The campaigners insist […]

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  • Harvard Divests From Israel

    By Fayyad Harvard Management Company, which manages the university”s endowment, has divested the fund from all investments it had in Israel companies, during the second quarter of this year. The divested stocks include TEVA, a generic drug manufacturer, that has greatly benefited from Israel”s strangulation of several Palestinian pharmaceutical companies, Checkpoint Securities, which provided many […]

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  • A million dollar festival will not rescue Israel’s image as an apartheid state

    Occupied Ramallah, 15 August 2010 Once again, the Brand-Israel machine is in high gear, this time organizing a million-dollar international youth extravaganza in Eilat in September 2010 called “Funjoya.” This unabashed propaganda exercise is sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Tourism and the Israeli Student Union, among other official and semi-official bodies. The Ministry of […]

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