• Muslim shops ban Israeli produce in Palestine protest

    Exclusive: Deborah Anderson 29 Aug 2010 Asian shopkeepers in one of the biggest Muslim areas in Scotland are backing a boycott of Israeli produce. In a move that has worried Jewish groups, Muslim families who own stores in Glasgow”s south side are refusing to stock Israeli goods in protest at Israel”s West Bank settlements and […]

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  • Netanyahu: Israel won’t fund boycott efforts from within

    Prime Minister slams boycott staged by theater personnel, who refuse to take part in performances in the West Bank settlement of Ariel. By Barak Ravid and The Associated Press Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu On Sunday criticized a recent declaration by a list of prominent Israeli actors and playwrights that they would not participate in plays […]

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  • Palestinian traders clear shops of settlement goods

    Published yesterday (updated) 29/08/2010 22:59 RAMALLAH (Ma”an) — Palestinian traders have submitted 25,000 applications for a Dignity medal to certify their compliance with the government ban on trading in settlement produce, an official said Sunday. National Dignity Fund director Omer Qabaha said 8,000 traders have already received the medal, following inspections to check their stores […]

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  • Reflections from Detroit: Standoff with StandWithUs

    August 2, 2010 Continuing our Reflections from Detroit series, Nada Elia recounts the struggle for solidarity with Palestine at the US Social Forum. *** Standoff with StandWithUs, by Nada Elia In my mind, US Social Forum 2010 will always be the “Standoff with StandWithUs” conference. How could it be otherwise, when all my energy, as […]

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  • Israeli actors boycott stirs settlement debate

    By KARIN LAUB (AP) – 5 hours ago JERUSALEM – Leading Israeli theater actors have pledged not to perform in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, stirring a heated debate days before Mideast peace talks resume in Washington. The settlements, deemed illegal by the international community and built on occupied land the Palestinians want for […]

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  • TEDx: Equating the Colonizer and Colonized

    Besieged Gaza, 29 August, 2010 Palestinians Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI) University Teachers’ Association in Palestine It has come to our knowledge that TED, a non-profit organization carrying the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading” has started a program called the “TEDxHolyLand.” This is supposed to be an experience which seeks to “bring […]

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  • Boycott of Theater in Israeli Settlement Grows

    August 27, 2010, 2:50 pm By ROBERT MACKEY A cultural center under construction in the West Bank settlement on Ariel. A cultural center under construction in the West Bank settlement of Ariel. Dozens of Israel theater professionals have signed a letter protesting plans, announced this week, for Israeli theater companies to perform in a new […]

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  • Israel/Palestine and the Apartheid Analogy: Critics, Apologists and Strategic lessons (Parts 1 & 2)

    by Ran Greenstein I. Introduction In the last decade, the notion that the Israeli system of political and military control bears strong resemblance to the apartheid system in South Africa has gained ground. It is invoked regularly by movements and activists opposed to the 1967 occupation and to various other aspects of Israeli policies vis-í -vis […]

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  • Why Americans should oppose Zionism

    Steven Salaita, The Electronic Intifada, 26 August 2010 Israel has been subject to some bad publicity recently. In 2008-09, it launched a brutal military campaign in the Gaza Strip that killed more than 400 Palestinian children. In May 2010, bumbling Israeli commandos murdered nine nonviolence activists on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla’s Mavi Marmara. It only […]

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  • Veolia whitewashes illegal light rail project

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 26 August 2010 Last week the Israeli daily Haaretz reported that the consortium holding the contract to the controversial Jerusalem light rail project surveyed city residents on whether they would feel comfortable sharing rail service with Palestinians. The bad publicity around the survey — described as racist by even members […]

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