• IPSC TV: Derek Graham (Gaza Freedom Flotilla) explains basics of Boycott

    At a public meeting in Dublin after his release from Israeli captivity, Derek Graham of the Free Gaza Movement and Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who was first mate on the MV Rachel Corrie, explains the basics of the Boycott Campaign – using potatoes. Video date: Saturday 12th June 2010

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  • Global BDS Against Israel Is Working

    by Stephen Lendman / September 7th, 2010 In July 2005, a coalition of 171 Palestinian Civil Society organizations created the Global BDS movement for “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights” for Occupied Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinian diaspora refugees. The Tel Aviv-based Reut […]

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE When: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, noon Who: California Israel Divestment Campaign www.israeldivestmentcampaign.org Where: In front of Israeli Consulate, 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048: Why: Press Conference – Launch Ballot Initiative Drive to Require Public Employee Systems to Divest from Certain Business Activities in Israel Media Contacts: Sherna Berger Gluck: 310-455-1028; […]

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  • Boycotting Ariel: Missing the Forest for the Trees

    PACBI | September 2010 This piece was published as the PACBI Column in the September 2010 issue of the BRICUP Newsletter. Provoked by the recent announcement of the inauguration of a cultural center in Ariel, the fourth largest Jewish colony in the occupied Palestinian territory, 150 prominent Israeli academics, writers, and cultural figures have declared […]

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  • U.S. actors back Israeli boycott of West Bank theater

    More than 150 American actors, writers, directors and other artists sign letter of support for the Israeli actors who said they would not perform in Ariel. By Chaim Levinson More than 150 American actors, writers, directors and other artists signed a letter of support for the Israeli actors who declared they would not perform in […]

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  • Vanessa Redgrave, Tony Kushner and other American artists support Israeli artists’ Ariel boycott

    Press Release 6 September 2010 Following the movement of Israeli theater professionals who authored a letter refusing to perform in the settlement of Ariel on August 27th,and the attack on them that ensued, American counterparts have come together with their own statement of support. Organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, a national Jewish-American organization, the […]

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  • CHURCHES: Loewenstein/Churches standing up to “˜pro-Israel’ politicians

    by Antony Loewenstein – EurekaStreet – 3 September 2010 The Australian Jewish News (AJN) was outraged. Its editorial in late July condemned the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) for a resolution calling on Australians to boycott Israeli goods made in the occupied Palestinian territories. The AJN wrote that the move contributed to a […]

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  • Anti-Israel economic boycotts are gaining speed

    The sums involved are not large, but their international significance is huge. Boycotts by governments gives a boost to boycotts by non-government bodies around the world. By Nehemia Shtrasler The entire week was marked by boycotts. It began with a few dozen theater people boycotting the new culture center in Ariel, and continued with a […]

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  • Who will ask Dearborn City Council to boycott all Israeli products?

    “U.S.-led Mideast peace talks have shown little progress” By Hasan Newash DETROIT FREE PRESS September 3, 2010 At: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100903/OPINION05/100903059/1068/OPINION/U.S.-led-Mideast-peace-talks-have-shown-little-progress-&template=fullarticle&GID=/gLVcBmfSAv7AxwAAdiJlbfU7iE2LJ62aOW4WXjJzSw%3D “…There is a role for Americans of conscience to make a difference, just as they helped bring down South African Apartheid. The movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel has been gaining momentum all over […]

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  • TAKE ACTION: Tell Wikimedia Foundation to change its location of the Wikimania 2011 meeting from Apartheid Israel

    Our Appeal to the Wikimedia Foundation Dear visitors, thank you for your interest in our plea. The next Wikimania conference is set to take place in Haifa, Israel on August 4 – 7, 2011. The location was chosen based on a city bid to host the conference. We are a group of young women and […]

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