There is no doubt that something is moving in Australia when it comes to boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel. It was a long time coming, but the momentum is definitely growing apace and is certainly buoyed by what is happening in the rest of the world. Nevertheless, an academic boycott still seemed unlikely until […]

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  • EUROPE: Made in Israeli Settlements, But Never Mind

    By David Cronin BRUSSELS, Apr 3 (IPS) – European Union officials are seeking evidence to support claims that fruit and vegetables from Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories are being exported under false pretence. In a note circulated to its fellow EU governments in late 2008, Britain expressed concern that goods from Israeli settlements in […]

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    By Tim Franks BBC News, Jerusalem Not all consumers are the same. Not all supermarket shoppers care just about price, or freshness, or brand. Some also care about from where a product came. Since I wrote about labelling of produce from the West Bank, in November, several people got in touch to tell me that […]

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  • PSC North Lobbies Minister Hilary Benn on Settlement goods

    On Friday 20th March a group of PSC members and supporters from York, Halifax and Leeds lobbied Environment Minister Hilary Benn on UK trade with illegal Israeli settlements. This took place outside his Leeds Central constituency surgery Lawyers from the Department of the Environment, Foods and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office […]

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  • Londoners lock up criminal Israeli goods in Tesco

    03/29/09 A new idea for the boycott campaign… Sunday 29 March 2009, Londoners converged towards Tesco supermarkets in West London in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. View the images of the locked up fruit here: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/03/425650.html Avocadoes, pomellos, cherry tomatoes, herbs and dates grown in Israel and on illegal settlements in […]

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  • Cyprus checking out Israeli fruit con

    Posted by RORCoalition on Fri, 04/03/2009 – 13:08 By Nathan Morley [Cyprus Mail] 19 March 2009 – COMMERCE Minister Antonis Paschalides is looking into a humiliating blunder by a leading EU supermarket chain after it sold tons of Israeli fruit as “Produce of Cyprus”, he said yesterday. German-owned Aldi were left red-faced when they admitted […]

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  • Israeli exports hit by European boycotts after attacks on Gaza

    A fifth of Israeli exporters report drop in demand as footage of Gaza attacks changes behaviour of consumers and investors Rachel Shabi, in Tel Aviv guardian.co.uk, Friday 3 April 2009 16.16 BST Israeli companies are feeling the impact of boycott moves in Europe, according to surveys, amid growing concern within the Israeli business sector over […]

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  • Israel Launches New ‘Soft War’

    By MEL FRYKBERG (Middle East Times) Published: March 11, 2009 JERUSALEM — Shortly after the guns fell silent over Gaza, during Operation Cast lead, Israel’s three-week bloody onslaught over the coastal territory which left over 1,400 Palestinians dead and over 5,000 wounded, most of them civilian, the Israeli Foreign Ministry stepped up its ‘soft war.’ […]

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  • UNESCO should join cultural boycott

    Rahela Mizrahi, The Electronic Intifada, 1 April 2009 When schools under the United Nations flag are targeted, when children are targeted, when a whole population is systematically deprived of food and water, sanitation and electricity, the various UN agencies affected should not be content with protest alone — they should live up to their responsibility […]

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  • Procuring Academics for Empire

    ‘Pentagon is engaged in military-academic empire building strategy.’ By James Petras The Pentagon”s military strategists have recognized that they have suffered political losses, with strategic consequences in their recent military invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. US military support for the Israeli invasions of Lebanon and Gaza, the US-sponsored Ethiopian occupation of Somali, the coup attempts […]

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