• London Sci-Fi festival asked not to celebrate apartheid

    Open letter, PACBI, 29 April 2009 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is writing to the organizers of the Sci-Fi-London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantasy Film to urge you to cancel the special “Focus on: Israel” in your festival in London from 29 April – 4 May. […]

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  • Boycott this Israeli settlement builder

    The UK Foreign Office will no longer rent from Lev Leviev. Now other states must also boycott this builder of illegal settlements o Abe Hayeem o guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 28 April 2009 14.30 BST The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office must be commended for its decision to cancel renting premises for the UK embassy in Tel […]

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  • Mountain Equipment Co-op may ponder Israel boycott

    A major Canadian outdoor-equipment chain with an outlet in Calgary could be setting up camp on the thorny soil of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. A motion is expected to be presented next week at Mountain Equipment Coop’s annual general meeting in Vancouver, calling for a boycott of all products produced in Israel. “We just don’t think(MountainEquipmentCo-op)should […]

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  • Norway gov’t, banks investing in settlement construction company

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 28 April 2009 As the pressure on companies to pull out from business facilitating Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip grows, it has been recently revealed that in Norway three private banks and the state pension fund invested in one such company. Norwatch, the Norwegian financial watchdog, […]

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  • Palestinian students push BDS in universities and cities

    Latest news , Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, 8 March 2009 IAW events for the past several days in the West Bank focused on strengthening the internal BDS movement and promoting Palestinian products. Considerable progress was made from March 4 í‚– 5 in moving the boycott forward in Palestinian universities. Students are not only working […]

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  • Military exports to Israel reviewed following Gaza conflict

    * Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent * The Guardian, Wednesday 22 April 2009 Britain announced last night that it is to review all its military exports to Israel in the light of the recent offensive in the Gaza Strip which killed around 1,400 Palestinians. In a written statement to MPs, the foreign secretary, David Miliband, […]

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  • UK campaigners score victory towards arms embargo

    Yasmin Khan, The Electronic Intifada, 24 April 2009 It came as no surprise to campaigners in the United Kingdom to hear the British Foreign Minister David Miliband reveal this week that components supplied by Britain were “almost certainly” used by Israel in its recent military assault on Gaza. Despite Israel’s continued human rights abuses, the […]

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  • Village of Bil’in asks Norway to divest from Leviev’s Africa-Israel

    April 21, 2009 The Council on Ethics Norwegian Government Pension Fund Government of Norway Dear Members of the Council on Ethics, It is with great dismay that we learned that Norway, a strong supporter of human rights and peace in the Middle East, has invested its citizens” pensions in a company, Lev Leviev”s Africa-Israel, that […]

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  • Scottish Trade Union Congress Joins BDS Campaign!!!

    Posted by RORCoalition on Thu, 04/23/2009 – 11:45 Scotland today joined Ireland and South Africa when the Scottish Trade Union Congress, representing every Scottish trade union, voted overwhelmingly to commit to boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. This is the third example of a national trade union federation committing to BDS and is a clear […]

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  • Canadian musician Leonard Cohen urged to cancel Israel concert

    Open letter, British Committee for the Universities of Palestine, 22 April 2009 The following is an open letter from the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine to Canadian musician Leonard Cohen: Dear Leonard Cohen: Your songs have been part of the soundtrack of our lives — like breathing, some of them. But we can’t […]

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