• Ken Loach & Scottish PSC oppose all racism. No exceptions.

    Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign Statement Thursday 21 May, 2009 Ken Loach and the Edinburgh International Film Festival are to be congratulated for distancing the EIFF publicly from the unwelcome embrace of the State of Israel, a state now widely understood to be committing grave crimes against the Palestinian people. Many who would have stayed away […]

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  • Firemen vote to ratchet up the heat on Israeli ‘ethnic cleansing’

    Friday 15 May 2009 by John Millington in Scarborough. AS the Fire Brigades Union conference ended on Friday, delegates gave overwhelming support for a boycott of Israeli goods and backed calls for sanctions in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Moving the Palestine composite motion, Devon and Somerset delegate Dave Chappell began by praising the history […]

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  • Ken Loach response to the Israeli filmmaker Tali Shalom

    Ken Loach open letter to the Edinburgh Film Festival Following an open letter from the Israeli film maker Tali Shalom Ezer (see below as well), here is Ken Loach’s full reply. This was sent to Sunday Times but the newspaper never published this in full. Dear Tali Shalom Ezer From the beginning, Israel and its […]

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  • British academic union deals one more blow to business-as-usual with the Israeli academy

    Once again, the membership of the University and College Union (UCU) has not let Palestinians down. The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes our British colleagues for their steadfast and principled support for the cause of justice and peace in Palestine and for adopting, at the UCU”s annual congress […]

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  • BDS movement gains ground in Scotland

    The boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel continues to gain leverage every day as more people become aware of Israel”s atrocities. Many argue that the BDS movement must penetrate every aspect of society for it to be fully effective at encouraging people to demand that Israel halt its policies of ethnic cleansing and […]

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  • Time for US to stop fueling the conflict

    Josh Reubner, The Electronic Intifada, 25 May 2009 Seen in the Oval Office with Israeli President Shimon Peres in May 2009, US President Barack Obama requested $2.775 billion in military aid to Israel. (Pete Souza/White House Photo) In pledging to trim ineffective spending, US President Obama declared that “there will be no sacred cows and […]

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  • Resolution to Boycott Israel defeated at Mountain Equipment Co-op AGM

    BDS Campaign targeting MEC’s ties to Israeli Apartheid Continues – On April 30th, members of Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) brought a resolution to the Co-op”s Annual General meeting calling for MEC to halt business ties with Israel. Mountain Equipment Co-op, a Canada-wide chain, currently sources over 30 individual products from Israeli companies. These include products […]

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  • Scottish BDS Activists Face Trumped up Charges

    Mick Napier [Sumoud] 17 May 2009 – Five BDS Campaign activists face charges following their interruption of a performance during the 2008 Edinburgh International Festival by an Israeli musical ensemble. Far from being driven by malice towards Jews or Israelis, the rising world-wide campaign of BDS is driven by anger at the crimes of the […]

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  • Israeli architects must stop designing illegal settlements

    Destruction of Hebron, one of the oldest cities in the world, to make way for a bypass road for illegal Israeli settlers ARC?PEACE has noted with dismay that Israeli architects engage in the design of illegal Jewish sett-lements on expropriated Palestinian land in the Occupied Territories. These activities are in clear vio-lation of the code […]

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  • Escalation of Academic and Cultural Boycott against Israel

    Ramallah, May 17, (Pal Telegraph) – Last month, prominent academics from the British Committee for Universities of Palestine, BRICUP [1], urged you not to perform in Israel, arguing: “If you had just emerged from three weeks of unfettered bombing from land, sea and air, with no place to hide and no place to run, your […]

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