• CODEPINK Protests AHAVA Cosmetics Company at Hilton Store in Tel Aviv

    CODEPINK activists showed the muddy truth of the AHAVA company, whose factory is located in Occupied Palestine, during an international delegation visit to Israel in June, 2009. Here, Rae Abileah and Medea Benjamin speak outside the Hilton after the store inside was closed by security when demonstrators staged the action. AHAVA means love in Hebrew […]

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  • Melbourne dumps Connex following boycott campaign

    Press release, Australians for Peace, 28 June 2009 The following press release was issued by Australians for Peace on 25 June 2009: Connex has been dumped by the Victorian State Government as Melbourne’s train system operator. Moammar Mashni of Australians for Palestine said that after four months of campaigning and some 100,000 pamphlets distributed, Palestine […]

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  • Boycotting the Israeli academy

    June 25, 2009 Israel’s ongoing siege of Gaza has provoked an international outcry and organizing in support of Palestinian rights. Among the responses is a movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) to pressure Israel in a variety of ways. This strategy takes as its inspiration the international movement to end apartheid in South Africa. […]

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  • Naomi Klein speaks on Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions in Bil’in, Palestine

    Prior to the demonstration a press conference took place, where a representative of the village’s popular committee, a member of the Palestinian Boycott National Committee and world renowned Canadian journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke of the local struggle, of the village’s new court case in Canada against Canadian companies building the new neighborhoods on […]

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  • Author Naomi Klein calls for boycott of Israel

    BILIN , West Bank (AFP) – Bestselling author Naomi Klein on Friday took her call for a boycott of Israel to the occupied West Bank village of Bilin, where she witnessed Israeli forces clashing with protesters. “It’s a boycott of Israeli institutions, it’s a boycott of the Israeli economy,” the Canadian writer told journalists as […]

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  • French activists protest Paris air show

    A group of French activists from the BDS France campaign held a non- violent protest against the Israeli presence at the Paris – Le Bourget Air Show. Le Bourget Air Show is one of the largest weapons and aerospace technology fairs in the world. The protest took place outside the Israeli pavilion, where several Israeli […]

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  • Anti-Israel Group Boycotts Trader Joe’s

    June 20, 2009 By Lilly Fowler and Tom Tugend Although “World Refugee Day,” the boycott of Trader Joe”s planned by the anti-Israel group “Don”t Buy into Apartheid,” came and went on Saturday, June 20, with no apparent incidents in Los Angeles, other cities in California did witness protesters invade the popular supermarket chain. Kate Raphael, […]

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  • US activists de-shelve Israeli products from national grocer

    Press release, Don’t Buy Into Apartheid, QUIT (Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism), South Bay Mobilization and BDS BayArea, 23 June 2009 On Saturday, 20 June, activists gathered at Trader Joe’s in Oakland and San Francisco, US to demand that the company stop carrying Israeli goods. Protesters removed Israeli products from the shelves in order to show […]

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  • The necessity of cultural boycott

    Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 23 June 2009 If there is anything new in the never-ending sad story of Palestine it is the clear shift in public opinion in the UK. I remember coming to these isles in 1980 when supporting the Palestinian cause was confined to the left and in it to a very […]

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  • Coupon for Cashiers: Don’t Stock Israeli Products!

    June 20th Trader Joe”s kick off actions in Oakland, S.F. & Sacramento a big success! Bay Area organizers… “¢ Sent a letter to TJ’s Headquarters informing them of the International Boycott against Israeli products & requesting Israeli product removal. A letter was delivered to a local store where group members were told managers make buying […]

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