• Who Profits Newsletter: The Cellular Companies and the Occupation

    In a much criticized television commercial for an Israeli cellular communication service provider, a group of Israeli soldiers play soccer with unseen (presumably Palestinian) partners over the separation wall. “All we want, after all, is to have some fun”, the commercial exclaims. As distasteful and offensive as this commercial may be, on some level it […]

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  • Letter To Amnesty International From Bil’in

    August 8, 2009 Dear Amnesty International, We, members of the Bil’in popular committee against the wall and settlements, have always appreciated Amnesty International”s role in the defense of human rights around the world and have recognized you as partners in our own struggle to defend our rights. We remember with great pleasure and pride your […]

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  • The ugly reality of Israel’s settlement-made beauty products

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 3 August 2009 Israel enjoys free trade of industrial goods with Europe under the Association Agreement it signed with the European Union in 2000. Yakov Ellis, chief executive officer of the Israeli cosmetics company Ahava, told the BBC radio program Today on 5 November 2008 that his company has benefitted […]

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  • United for freedom and universal justice

    Omar Barghouti and Sid Shniad, The Electronic Intifada, 31 July 2009 For several decades, the world has watched in frustration as the crisis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories deepened. Confused by the details of what is alleged to be a highly complicated situation and loathe to be attacked for criticizing Israel lest they […]

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  • An Unholy Alliance

    Artist, writer and activist, and friend of PULSE, Tali Shapiro on Leonard Cohen and Amnesty International. I always talk about Israeli pacifists and their inability to see the barriers they place on the Palestinian road to justice, dignity, and human rights. Today I”d like to talk about a much more appalling occurrence; Amnesty International supporting […]

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  • Action Alert: Tell Amnesty International, No Amnesty for Apartheid Israel

    August 5, 2009 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and groups around the world have been calling for months for musician Leonard Cohen to cancel his planned September concert in Israel. With the international community failing to take action to stop Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people, and inspired […]

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  • Amnesty urged to reject “tainted” funds from Leonard Cohen concert

    Open letter, PACBI, 31 July 2009 The following open letter was sent to Amnesty International USA by the The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) on 30 July 2009. In May, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) called on singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen to heed […]

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  • Guidelines for Applying the International Cultural Boycott of Israel

    PACBI | 20 July 2009 Since April 2004, PACBI has called upon intellectuals and academics worldwide to “comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel”s occupation, colonization and system of apartheid.” [1] In 2006, a decisive majority of Palestinian cultural workers, including most filmmakers […]

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  • New Yorkers call for boycott of Motorola over dealings with IDF

    By Grace Wermenbol Protesters in the New York borough of Queens held a rally last week to call for a boycott of Motorola over the firm’s business dealings with the Israel Defense Forces. At the demonstration, which was organized by the New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel, protestors waved Palestinian flags and signs […]

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  • Deshelving Israeli Goods at Trader Joe’s

    Over 30 activists in Oakland and San Francisco participated in National Don’t Buy Into Apartheid Day on June 20, 2009.

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