• Conference Declaration: United in Struggle against Israeli Colonialism, Occupation and Racism

    United in Struggle against Israeli Colonialism, Occupation and Racism 24-25 October, 2009 Bethlehem, Palestine Seminar Declaration Towards the unity of all forces in struggle for boycott, divestment and sanctions for Palestine Between the 24th and the 25th of October, 2009, the Occupied Palestine and Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative (OPGAI), together with the Alternative Information Center […]

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  • Open Letter to the International Geographical Union: Enforcing Geographies of Justice

    PACBI | 29 October 2009 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is deeply disturbed by the decision of the International Geographical Union (IGU) to hold its regional conference in Israel next July. We urge the IGU to relocate this conference to another venue in the region, and appeal to […]

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  • Norway university to vote next month on boycott of Israel

    By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent The university of Trondheim in Norway may become the first university in the West to adopt an academic boycott of Israel, if a majority of its board votes in favor of the move at a meeting on the subject next month. Three days prior to the November 12 vote by […]

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  • Studies in Racism

    Sara Leibovitz-Dar | Maariv | 21 October 2009 “When Israel sends a sophisticated satellite into space, the Arabs come up with a new kind of hummus,” Dr. Dan Schueftan told students during his course on Israel”s security perspective in the diplomacy and security program for senior managers at Tel Aviv University. An essay that was […]

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  • College and University Workers United

    Why Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions pamphlet. Click here to download: Why Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions pamphlet

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  • AIC Releases Report on Complicity of Israeli Academic Institutions

    The Alternative Information Centre (AIC) has released a groundbreaking report on the role of Israeli academic institutions in supporting and maintaining Israeli Apartheid. The idea of an academic boycott of Israel first emerged in 2002 as part of the growing boycott and divestment campaign against Israel, itself a part of the struggle against the Israeli […]

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    Codepink protest AHAVA, which is made in Occupied Palestinian Territory and sold as made in Israel. See the ongoing campaign: http://www.stolenbeauty.org/article.php?list=type&type=415 as part the first global BDS Marathon, October 16/17 2009 http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/2085.shtml Israeli arrests of Palestinian human rights activists aim at stopping grassroots activism and the global call for Israeli accountability in front of international […]

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  • UPDATE: Settlement-builder Lev Leviev’s Company Africa-Israel in Dire Straits

    Lev Leviev”s company Africa-Israel is unable to repay its loans and is foundering. An Africa-Israel subsidiary, Danya Cebus, has built homes in a number of settlements on Palestinian land in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Reporting on Africa-Israel”s severe financial problems, the Associated Press noted that Leviev”s “construction activities in the West Bank have come under […]

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  • New Yorkers join worldwide protests for freedom for Palestinian activist who opposes Leviev’s settlements

    New York, NY, October 17, 2009 – On Saturday forty New York human rights advocates rallied on a cold fall day at the Madison Avenue jewelry store of Israeli settlement mogul Lev Leviev to demand that Israel release jailed Palestinian boycott activist Mohammad Othman. Othman, held without charges and in solitary confinement since September 22nd, […]

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  • mobilisation nationale contre Agrexco BDS

    [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.883920&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about "Dailymotion – 10 Octobre 09: mobilisa…", posted with vodpod A Saint Denis, en í®le de France, í  l’appel de la Coalition Contre Agrexco et dans le cadre de la Campagne BDS France une soixantaine de militants et de sympathisants de cette campagne se sont rassemblés ce samedi 10 octobre pour dénoncer […]

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