• Montreal Launches the Boycott Ahava campaign!

    “Montreal action inside ‘The Bay’ store calling for the boycott of Ahava products. Members of Middle East solidarity groups Tadamon! , Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) and the Québec BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) Committee demanded The Bay to take products of Ahava Dead Sea cosmetics off its shelves. Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories is […]

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  • A Plea to Norway’s University of Trondheim to Boycott Israel

    By Mohamed Khodr “¢ Nov 3rd, 2009 at 15:44 Norway “Right and wrong are the same in Palestine as anywhere else. What is peculiar about the Palestine conflict is that the world has listened to the party that has committed the offence and has turned a deaf ear to the victims.” –Famed British Historian Professor […]

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  • Check out our new resources

    Two new important reports are located in the sidebar of our website under Boycott & Divestment Resources. Check them out!

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  • Open letter to the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge

    Please consider signing this letter below and sending your reply back to Michael or John by Sunday November 1st at the latest, and circulating of you can. Further to my message yesterday, I am copying below a letter to all members of Clare College Choir which has been drafted by the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign […]

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  • Sweden: Israeli wine made in occupied territory

    State alcohol retail monopoly labels Golan Heights wines as produced in ‘Syrian occupied territory,’ due to customer complaints. Winery CEO enraged, says: ‘We’re not selling politics’ Itamar Eichner Sweden’s state alcohol retail monopoly has recently decided to market wines produced in the Israel Golan Heights as made in “Syrian occupied territory.” The shelves carrying the […]

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    Date 30/10/09 Sussex Students” Union first in UK to boycott Israeli goods FOLLOWING a landmark referendum, students at Sussex University have voted to boycott Israeli goods. The decision will become part of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which calls upon Israel to respect international law and end the occupation of Palestine. The referendum […]

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  • Ma’an Development Center Launches Booklet on Palestinian BDS Campaign

    The Ma’an Development Center has launched a report on the Palestinian BDS campaign under the title Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: Lesson learned in effective solidarity CONTENTS WHY BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT, SANCTIONS? THE LESSONS OF BOYCOTT 1. Boycott takes time 1.2 The challenge of normalization 2. Boycott as a grassroots movement 3. Clear goals based on justice […]

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  • Montrealers throw Hallowe’en party at the Bay to launch boycott of Israeli Ahava Dead Sea products

    Montreal, October 31 – On the scariest day of the year, members of Middle East solidarity groups Tadamon, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) and the Québec BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) Committee will be demanding that the Bay take its creepiest product, Ahava Dead Sea cosmetics, off its shelves. Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories (www.ahava.co.il) […]

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  • Israeli banks entrenched in settlement building

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 27 October 2009 Several Western pension funds and financial managers hold shares in two Israeli banks: Bank Hapoalim and Bank Leumi. Both banks operate in and offer loans to finance illegal settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories. Bank Hapoalim, Israel’s largest bank, was established in 1921 by […]

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  • Bahrain Politicians Spar Over Israel Boycott

    October 25th, 2009 The Media Line Staff The Bahraini parliament is at loggerheads with the government because of a bill which proposes heavy prison sentences for people who conduct any kind of dealings with Israel. The bill, set to be discussed on Tuesday, bans “any form of cooperation with the Israeli entity,” and advises that […]

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