• Holland to probe if Ahava products made on occupied land

    According to Socialist Party website, Dutch foreign minister intends to investigate whether Dead Sea cosmetic company’s products sporting label ‘Made in Israel’ are manufactured on ‘occupied’ territory Meirav Crystal Published: 11.18.09, 21:46 / Israel Business It seems as though not everyone in Holland is thrilled with Ahava beauty products. In a discussion held in the […]

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  • Gush Shalom to Ahava directors: read the writing on the wall – get out of the Occupied Territories

    17/11/09 The Dutch Foreign Minister: products from the Palestinian part of the Dead Sea are not Israeli products and deserve no tax exemption. Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen ordered an urgent investigation to confirm unequivocally the origin of the “Ahava” cosmetics marketed in the Dutch market, so as to confirm that they are produced in […]

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  • Video, Demo 11/18/09, Mets cancel Hebron Fund Dinner | Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East

    [vodpod id=Groupvideo.3954310&w=425&h=350&fv=] more about "Video, Demo 11/18/09, Mets cancel Heb…", posted with vodpod Protest Comes Day After Obama Spokesperson Says He is ‘Dismayed’ By New Israeli Settlements FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY, November 18 – Over fifty human rights advocates gathered outside the office of Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig in midtown Manhattan […]

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  • BDS Campaign Update (mid-June 2009 – September 2009)

    Published in Al Majdal’s Nakba Education on the Path of Return (Autumn 2009) French activists protest Paris air show 20 June 2009 – A group of French activists from the French BDS campaign held a non- violent protest against Israeli participation in the Paris – Le Bourget Air Show. Le Bourget Air Show is one […]

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  • Opinion: U.S. should stand against apartheid in Israel

    By Sam Jadallah Special to the Mercury News November 3 marked, in the words of political blogger Philip Weiss, a “historically dark day” in the U.S. Congress. House Republicans and Democrats lined up to vote against the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission carried out by Justice Richard Goldstone and to bash Goldstone, a committed Zionist, because […]

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  • Pro-Arab group rips Citi Field fete: The Hebron Fund hosting fund-raiser at home of Mets

    BY Sergey Kadinsky DAILY NEWS WRITER Tuesday, November 17th 200 The bloody struggle between the Jews and Palestinians has moved to a local battleground – Citi Field. A group that supports Palestinian causes is crying foul because The Hebron Fund, a Brooklyn-based organization that funds radical Jewish settlers in the West Bank city, is holding […]

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  • Right-wing groups creating climate of fear at Israeli universities

    Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 16 November 2009 Right-wing groups in Israel want to create a climate of fear among left-wing scholars at Israeli universities by emulating the “witch-hunt” tactics of the US academic monitoring group Campus Watch, Israeli professors warn. The watchdog groups IsraCampus and Israel Academia Monitor are believed to be stepping up […]

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  • The Buycott Campaign

    Do you support Israel? Are you fed up with calls to boycott Israeli goods and services? Want to do something about it? NOW YOU CAN. Sign up for BUYCOTT ALERTS today.We”ll alert you when a boycott initiative needs to be countered, and we”ll let you know the results of every BUYCOTT action. In a twilight […]

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  • Plea to boycott firms with Israel link

    Group urges GCC states to shun Alstom and Veolia involved in Occupied Jerusalem projects * By Abbas Al Lawati, Staff Reporter, Gulf News * Published: November 17, 2009 Dubai: A pressure campaign targeted at Gulf states was launched in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday by a coalition of 170 Palestinian organisations urging Arab states to boycott […]

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  • BDS Omar Barghouti – United in Struggle against Israeli Colonialism, Occupation, and Racism

    Global BDS movement Extrait de lintervention DOmar Barghouti « Movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions », dans le cadre du séminaire « United in Struggle against Israeli Colonialism, Occupation, and Racism:Economic Perspectives and Advocacy Strategies ayant eu lieu le 24-25 October 2009 in Bethlehem. Ce séminaire était organisé par Occupied Palestine and Golan Heights Advocacy […]

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