• Scottish Government plan for ‘trade mission’ to Israel will shame Scotland!

    [The visit is due to take place NEXT WEEK: 10-15 January 2010] This week Richard Falk, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, told UN Radio: “Obviously Israel does not respond to language of diplomacy, which has encouraged the lifting of the blockade and so what […]

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  • BDS campaign claims new victory against Dexia Israel

    Bethlehem -Ma’an – Organizers of the Israel Colonizes – Dexia Finances campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions from Israel celebrated the recent announcement that Dexia banking group that no more loans would be approved for settlement projects. The announcement appeared in the 3 January edition of the Jerusalem Post, and according to the campaign, Dexia […]

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  • “No army, no prison and no wall can stop us”

    Abdallah Abu Rahmah, The Electronic Intifada, 7 January 2010 Abdallah Abu Rahmah being arrested by Israeli soldiers at demonstration in Bilin in 2005. (Oren Ziv/ActiveStills) To all our friends, I mark the beginning of the new decade imprisoned in a military detention camp. Nevertheless, from within the occupation?s holding cell I meet the New Year […]

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  • Calling Bono

    Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist … in Graves and Prisons By ALISON WEIR Dear Bono, In your recent column in the New York Times, “Ten for the Next Ten,” you wrote: “I”ll place my hopes on the possibility – however remote at the moment – that…people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the […]

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  • Winning the war for local produce in the West Bank

    Rachel Shabi RAMALLAH // The cries of Hussam, the market-vendor, to buy his juicy winter “strawberries, strawberries” ring clear across the bustling street market in Ramallah. But this 25-year-old stall-keeper takes no pride in his trade. “They are from Israel,” he said, casting a gloomy eye over the gleaming pile of fruit. “Of course I […]

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  • Boycott of Israeli settlers’ products picks up speed

    Omar Karmi, Foreign Correspondent RAMALLAH // Haytham Karasha was not overly concerned. The manager of a Ramallah branch of the supermarket chain Bravo, he said his store had not stocked any goods that originated in settlements for more than a year, and even then it was only one item, a chocolate syrup. Efforts to ban […]

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  • Palestinian artists call for boycott of Israeli settlement goods

    Nablus – Ma’an – The Union of Artists in Nablus called on Palestinians to boycott all goods manufactured and produced on Israeli settlements on Saturday, in response to caretaker Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s call to action against settlement goods in the West Bank last week. The artists’ union suggested the establishment of a national boycott […]

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  • “˜Electrifying’ tour calls for Israel boycott

    by John Rose [Socialist Worker] 15 December 2009 – Leaders from South Africa”s freedom struggle joined a key Palestinian activist for an electrifying tour of meetings last week. Representatives of the African National Congress (ANC) and Cosatu, the South African trade union federation, spoke alongside Omar Barghouti, Palestinian spokesperson for the call for Boycott, Disinvestment […]

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  • Palestinians destroy settler-made Dead Sea cosmetics

    (AFP) 16 December 2009 – Palestinian customs officials on Wednesday dumped tens of thousands of dollars worth of Dead Sea beauty products into dumpsters as part of a boycott of goods made in Israeli settlements. “This destruction … is in keeping with the decision of the Palestinian leadership to prevent the import and sale of […]

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  • French Appeals Court Confirms Jurisdiction over Alstom Case

    [La version franí§aise suit] AFPS, 22 December 2009 — The Court of Appeal of Versailles confirms the jurisdiction of the Tribunal of Nanterre regarding the legal claim brought by AFPS against Véolia transport, Alstom and Alstom transport regarding the construction and operation of a light railway in East Jerusalem. Following the admissibility ruling handed down […]

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