• Ali Abunimah puts Noam Chomsky in his place on BDS

    This week on Voices of the Middle East and North Africa, we”ll have a conversation with Ali Abu Nimah, co-Founder of Electronic Intifada and activist and Middle East expert Jeff Blankfort, in which they each comment on an interview Voices of the Middle East and North Africa first taped and aired last month with Professor […]

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  • Open Letter to Bono: Entertaining Apartheid Israel…U 2 Bono?

    Occupied Ramallah, 13 January 2010 Dear Bono, The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was deeply disturbed to learn that that you are scheduled to perform in Israel this coming summer. Two years ago, you were invited by Israeli President Shimon Peres to attend a conference in Israel marking Israel”s […]

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  • Fayyad launches settlement good boycott fund

    Bethlehem – Ma”an – Caretaker Prime Minister Salam Fayyad launched on Tuesday the National Dignity Fund, as part of an initiative undertaken by the Palestinian Authority to rid the Palestinian market of settlement goods at a ceremony in the Red Crescent headquarters in Al-Birreh, Ramallah. The National Dignity Fund aims at increasing the availability of […]

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  • Lessons from the Gaza Freedom March

    by Joshua Brollier When I traveled to Cairo to participate in the Gaza Freedom March, I hoped to enter Gaza to contribute toward ending the siege and preventing future air assaults and invasions, such as the 22-day Operation Cast Lead that Israel launched against Gaza at the close of 2008. I was also keenly looking […]

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  • A new leftist, wide coalition for BDS was launched in Turkey

    In line with the boycott campaigns against Israel a platform is formed in Turkey with the participation of several trade unions and political organizations. On the anniversary of the Gaza bombardment the platform was declared and the start was given for intensive campaign activities. On this occasion a march was held in which 500 people […]

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  • Uphill battle for academic freedom in US universities

    Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada, 11 January 2010 In 2009, Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, became the first American higher educational institution to successfully pressure its Board of Trustees to divest from Israel-tied mutual funds. The victory came three decades after the college similarly disinvested from funds linked to apartheid South Africa. Across North America, […]

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  • Press Statement By The South African Palestine Solidarity Movement and COSATU

    STATEMENT BY SA PALESTINE SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT AND COSATU 7 January, 2010 PRESS STATEMENT ISSUED JOINTLY BY THE South African Palestine Solidarity Movement and COSATU We salute the gallant and heroic actions of over 1,400 people from around the world – especially the South African delegation – who went to Cairo to embark on the historic […]

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  • Moderate Jordan Picking Up Israeli Boycott

    January 3, 2010 Jordan, which has signed a peace agreement with Israel, maintaining relatively open borders with Israel [albeit with restrictions] is showing its true colors, working to increase the scope of its anti-Israel boycott, seeking to halt Israeli produce from the Hashemite Kingdom. In line with the strict state policy, the Jordanian minister of […]

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  • Turkish demonstrators call for boycott and international isolation of Israel

    A Turkish coalition protested in Istanbul on December 27, 2009, marking the anniversary of the occupation assault on Gaza, calling for the isolation and boycott of Israel. Over 500 attended the rally, supported by a wide array of leftist and labor forces, calling for a full military, commercial, economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. […]

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