• NON VIOLENT RESISTANCE TO ISRAELI APARTHEID: The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Campaign in the US

    RADIO INTIFADA intifada=shaking off – oppression/silence brought to you by SWANA, the South/West Asia and Northern Africa Collective Thursday, January 21, 2010 2:30-3pm PST In the few years since Palestinian civil society issued a call for an international BDS campaign, the movement has grown by leaps and bounds – even here in the US. Today […]

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  • Shahar Peer relieved as threats of pro-Palestinian protesters dissipate

    Shahar Peer’s first-round match at the Australian Open passed without incident Wednesday despite threats of a pro-Palestinian protest. Israel’s top tennis talent woke up to headlines in Melbourne’s The Age newspaper claiming that protesters were planning to target her match against Lucie Hradecka of the Czech Republic on an outside court. But there was no […]

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  • ADC Commends IRS Decision to Investigate Settlement Funding

    Washington, D.C. | January 19, 2010 | www.adc.org |The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) commends the decision by Commissioner Douglas Shulman to publicly commit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in tackling the issue of US charities that launder tax exempt US donations into illegal Israeli West Bank settlement activities. The construction of settlements in Occupied Palestinian […]

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  • Israel steps up arrests of grassroots activists

    Press release, Adalah-NY, CodePink: Women for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, 20 January 2010 The following press release was issued by Adalah-NY, CodePink: Women for Peace, Jewish Voice for Peace and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation on 19 January 2010: Israel must end […]

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  • Anti-boycott campaigners: Ariel upgrade is like ‘a red rag to a bull’

    By Cnaan Liphshiz The decision to upgrade the status of Ariel College to a university will greatly motivate proponents of an academic boycott of Israel, but will not change the legal realities preventing this, leading figures in the campaign against the boycott told Haaretz yesterday. Ariel College’s upgrade – announced yesterday by Defense Minister Ehud […]

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  • Minnesota should divest from Israel bonds

    By Sylvia Schwarz | Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010 The four Geneva conventions at the core of international humanitarian law were adopted in 1949 and ratified by 194 countries in the world. These conventions specify conduct that can be found criminally culpable if violated. The first three are specifically applicable to conduct against military personnel who […]

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  • Israel and the Environment – a meeting that should not happen

    I hope you won’t mind my writing to ask if you would be willing to sign the attached open letter. It asks David Bellamy to withdraw from participation in a forthcoming event aimed to ‘showcase’ Israel’s environmentalist credentials, and the contributions of its environmental scientists. Israel has actually been responsible for environmental degradation on a […]

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  • BOYCOTT! Supporting the Cairo Declaration

    To the Initiators of the Cairo Declaration, We, members of BOYCOTT!, would like to express our vote of support for the “Cairo Declaration”, issued by the Gaza Freedom Marchers on January 1st, 2010. We are proud to stand together with fellow responsible citizens of the world and reiterate our shared commitment to demanding human rights […]

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  • Stolen Beauty Victory: Costco Feels the Love

    In mid-December Rula Borelli, prompted by a friend who brought her attention to the fact that AHAVA products were on sale at Costco, sent a letter to the company asking them to remove AHAVA from their shelves, explaining about AHAVA”s illegal practices and the Stolen Beauty boycott campaign against them. Borelli then started a Facebook […]

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  • Open Letter to Santana: Don’t Entertain Israeli Apartheid!

    Occupied Ramallah, 19 January 2010 Dear Santana, The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was deeply disturbed to learn that that you are scheduled to perform in Israel this coming summer. We call upon you, as a prominent and influential artist, and, more importantly, as a well-known activist on issues […]

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