• TAKE ACTION: Ask Costco to stop selling Israeli clementines

    It has come to my attention that Costco is now selling clementines that have been imported from Israel. This is a very simple process and we all know that it takes less than 5 minutes to make a difference and let Costco know what we think of their deals with Israel. Please write (contact information […]

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  • Israel Likely to Join OECD in 2010: “If You Have Enough Money, We’ll Call You a Democracy”

    General Secretary of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria, visited Israel last week (18-20 January 2010) to launch two new OECD reports: an Economic Survey of Israel and a Review of Israel”s Labour Market and Social Policies. At this time Gurria announced that Israel”s accession to the OECD is likely to […]

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  • When Zionists Loved Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

    Today you can hardly utter the acronym BDS without hearing that the very idea is anti-semitic. But in the February 1921 edition of The Atlantic Magazine, Prof. Albert T. Clay (Assyrologist at the University of Pennsylvania) described how the Zionist incomers to Palestine were imposing their politics on the pre-existing Jewish minority there, which was […]

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  • Israeli Apartheid Week 2010 to open in Toronto

    Bethlehem – Ma’an – The 6th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will take place in Toronto from 1 March to 7 March 2010, organizers announced on Monday. IAW will feature lectures, film screenings, cultural activities, and demonstrations aimed at “raising awareness about Israel’s apartheid policies toward Palestinians,” a statement said. Organizers hope to gather support […]

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  • Reports back from the Gaza Freedom March

    By Nathan Schneider January 25, 2010 | Posted in IndyBlog | Email this article After more than half a century of intransigent injustice, the Palestine/Israel “conflict”–or “disaster,” or whatever you want to call it–only seems to get worse. In the last few years, Israel has pummeled both Lebanon and the Gaza Strip with devastating impunity […]

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  • Video: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (Ottawa, Canada) Divestment Campaign

    January 2010, Ottawa, Ontario – SAIA demands that Carleton University immediately divest its stock in BAE Systems, L-3 Communications, Motorola, Northrop Grumman, and Tesco, and adopt a Socially Responsible Investment policy. More information: http://carleton.saia.ca

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  • Don’t be Complicit in Israel’s Apartheid: Boycott the 2010 Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival

    The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the Palestinian Students” Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI) call on students, lecturers and film-makers to boycott the 13th International Student Film Festival, scheduled for June 2010 in the city of Tel Aviv. PACBI and PSCABI believe that this festival, […]

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  • Milestones in the history of the Israeli BDS movement: A brief chronology

    Rachel Giora 18 January 2010 Updated 27 January 2010 The emergence of the Israeli boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) movement has been influenced by a number of factors. In essence, however, the movement in Israel has been basically reactive – a response to (a) international calls following traumas, and to (b) ideas, primarily those introducing […]

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  • Norway university plans Israel boycott

    Rector at University of Bergen says he supports boycott; some lecturers complain to Israeli embassy Yaheli Moran Zelikovich University of Bergen, among Norway’s largest academic institutions, intends to impose an official academic boycott against Israel over what it claims is its apartheid-like conduct, Ynet has learned. The university’s management has not yet officially responded to […]

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  • Israeli companies excluded from bank’s investments

    Monday, 25 January 2010 14:10 KR Danske Bank adds two firms to a list of companies in which it won”t invest due to questionable ethics Africa Israel Investments and Elbit Systems have been added to Danske Bank”s list of companies that fail to adhere to its Socially Responsible Investment policy. The bank”s SRI policy obliges […]

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