• Now is Time for the Rebirth of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Campaign

    Now is a very opportune moment to join and support the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign and support Palestinians who are a defenceless people on the receiving end of a belligerent force that has lost moral direction, and certainly too its political compass. The BDS Campaign is a moral action to pressure Israel to comply […]

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  • Eroding Israel’s Legitimacy in the International Arena

    Note: For those of you who are confused, this article, like all articles on our Boycott News feed, is from another source. The link to that Zionist source is below. We do not endorse all that we post in our newsfeed, but we use items such as the one below to show that our movement […]

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  • Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign

    By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent Last Update: 12/02/2010 07:13 Israel is facing a global campaign of delegitimization, according to a report by the Reut Institute, made available to the cabinet on Thursday. The Tel Aviv-based security and socioeconomic think tank called on ministers to treat the matter as a strategic threat. The report cites anti-Israel […]

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  • Elton John: Don’t Entertain Apartheid AGAIN!

    PACBI, Occupied Ramallah, 13 February 2010 Dear Elton John, The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was genuinely troubled to learn that that you are scheduled to perform in Israel in June, in violation of the widely-endorsed Palestinian Guidelines for the International Cultural Boycott of Israel [1]. We call upon […]

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  • US Store discontinues Ahava dead sea products after boycott call

    Friday February 12, 2010 04:42 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News Report post The “Stolen Beauty” campaign has declared a small victory, after Costco stores agreed to stop carrying Dead Sea Salt from the Ahava corporation. AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories is an Israeli cosmetics company whose manufacturing plant is in an illegal settlement on Palestinian […]

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  • Protestors hit Beirut Starbucks

    Customers flee as demonstrators express displeasure with coffee chain’s pro-Israel CEO Associated Press Protesters from a leftist group shouted anti-Israel slogans outside of a Starbucks coffee shop Wednesday during a protest in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut. Demonstrators tried to block the entrance to the shop, thereby causing customers inside to flee. The protesters said they targeted […]

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  • Have a Heart: Boycott AHAVA

    This Valentine”s Day, have a heart and join our Stolen Beauty campaign to boycott Ahava cosmetics by contacting Ricky”s NYC, a family-owned chain store here in New York City, to tell them, “Stop carrying AHAVA cosmetics! AHAVA means love in Hebrew, but there is nothing loving about the company”s practices.” Even though you may not […]

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  • The Netanyahu-Fayyad “economic peace” one year on

    Ziyaad Lunat, The Electronic Intifada, 10 February 2010 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was elected on a platform of “economic peace” with Palestinians in the West Bank. He contended that developing the Palestinian economy, by providing Palestinians with jobs and a better living stands, would render the “problems” between Israelis and Palestinians “more accessible for […]

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  • BOYCOTT! supports Bergen University’s decision to allow an open debate on the possibility of a boycott of Israeli academic institutions

    A letter to Professor Sigmund Grí¸nmo, rector of Bergen University January 31, 2010 Dear Professor Grí¸nmo, We are a group of Palestinians and Jews, citizens and residents of Israel, who are struggling to end the Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinians. We are writing to you in order to support your courageous decision to […]

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  • Fueling Israeli Apartheid: Corporate Profits and Accountability

    The Bay Area Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid presents Fueling Israeli Apartheid: Corporate Profits and Accountability a conversation with Dalit Baum of WhoProfits.org Tuesday, February 16 “¢ 7pm El Centro Del Pueblo Auditorium 474 Valencia at 16th St., San Francisco Donations requested at the door Israeli and international corporations are directly involved in apartheid and […]

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