• Activist Coalition Tells Israel Ballet: Don’t Tiptoe Around Apartheid!

    TROUPE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR REPLIES: “NOTHING” WAS THERE IN 1948 by BDS Activists, Boston, MA Contact: bdsbostonma (at) gmail.com Worcester, MA, February 20, 2010 – The Israel Ballet”s recent performance of Don Quixote was protested by a coalition of activists who sought to highlight the troupe”s role in the Israeli government”s attempt to whitewash its record […]

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  • BDS Activists from US and Israel interrupt Israel Ballet performance in protest

    by BDS Activists Saturday Feb 20th, 2010 8:12 PM Human rights activists from Vermont, New York and Israel interrupted a performance of the Israel Ballet at the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT calling attention to the dance company”s complicity in Israeli war crimes. Using two banners that read “No Tutu is Big Enough to Cover […]

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  • Boycott Is Sought Against Israel Ballet

    By DANIEL J. WAKIN; Compiled by DAVE ITZKOFF Published: February 19, 2010 Advocates for Palestinian rights have called for a boycott of the Israel Ballet, which is performing Sunday at Brooklyn College. The advocates said that there would be protests at the college”s Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts to denounce what they call Israel”s […]

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  • Boycott Israeli Goods by Carlos Latuff

    WHY BOYCOTT ISRAEL? The Palestinian people are experiencing their 42nd year of military occupation. The siege by the Israeli army and the economic blockade have devastated their daily lives so that ‘normal’ life is impossible. Israel operates an entrenched system of racial Apartheid against its own non-Jewish inhabitants and has been illegally occupying Palestinian land […]

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  • Friday Night Lights: Israeli anti-apartheid activists disrupt ballet performance in Vermont

    BURLINGTON, VT- Greetings from the Green Mountain State! I want to give a shout out to Vermonters for Just Peace in Israel/Palestine for a successful night of activism. Several activists leafleted 249 people attending last night”s Israeli Ballet performance at the Flynn Theater. The leaflet asked “Would you like some information about Don Quixote and […]

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  • Vancouver 2010: The IOC, Israel, Canada, and Apartheid

    by Kim Petersen / February 19th, 2010 The Winter Olympics is taking place in the unceded territory of the Skwxwú7mesh, Xwméthkwyiem and Tsleil-Waututh peoples – what has been colonially designated Vancouver – and the unceded territory of the St”at”imc people – Whistler. Israel has sent an ice dancing pair to the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Of […]

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  • Scandanavian financial institutions drop Elbit due to BDS pressure

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 19 February 2010 Despite Israel’s oppressive tactics against it, the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has marked additional victories with many institutional investors divesting from or blacklisting Israeli military contractor Elbit Systems. One of the largest Dutch pension funds told The Electronic Intifada today that it is selling off […]

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  • PACBI Clarification concerning its statement “Intellectual Responsibility and the Voice of the Colonized”

    PACBI | 19 February 2010 PACBI”s recent statement entitled “Intellectual Responsibility and the Voice of the Colonized [1],” which criticizes the research project that led to the publication of the book, The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories [2], has stirred a healthy debate and mostly constructive discussion […]

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  • PA customs agents continue to enforce settlement goods ban

    Ramallah – Ma’an – Approximately one and a half tonnes of cardboard two tons of processed pastry dough produced in settlements built on Palestinian lands in the West Bank were seized by Palestinian police said customs officers on Thursday. The public relations and information office said it was waiting for the go-ahead from the Internal […]

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  • Intellectual Responsibility and the Voice of the Colonized

    The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has recently encountered a number of projects that while intending to empower the colonized Palestinians, in essence end up undermining their will and choice of method of struggle for freedom, justice and self determination. The publication of a new book entitled The Power […]

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