• Apartheid / apartheid

    Written by Saree Makdisi Monday, 08 March 2010 13:06 Among the highlights of my recent trip to South Africa were a tour of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg and a visit to the downtown neighborhood of Fordsie with my close friends Hanif and Salim Vally (who grew up there during the Apartheid years–an experience that […]

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  • Russell tribunal says sanction Israel

    Russell Tribunal on Palestine concludes the EU should sanction Israel until violations stop

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  • Leaked anti-BDS document?

    I have been sent this lengthy document titled Delegitimization of Israel: “Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions”. I’m posting the whole thing here but, be warned, I said it’s lengthy and it has been suggested that it could be a double bluff intended more for the eyes of BDS advocates than BDS opponents. One of my correspondents […]

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  • Campaign Launched to Clear Azzeh Refugee Camp (Bethlehem) of Israeli Products

    1 March 2010 – Today marks the first day of Israeli Apartheid Week in cities around the world. The week of activities, which was started by a group of activists in Toronto, Canada in 2005, has grown to become one of the main highlights of global activism in support of the rights of Palestinians, and […]

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  • Campaign Launched to Clear Bethlehem University of Israeli Products

    4 March 2010 – Dozens of students at Bethlehem University spread out through their campus today asking other students to sign a petition that calls on the university administration to ban Israeli products from their campus. The petition states that “Israeli products are found in all parts of the university campus, and include cafeteria food, […]

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  • Letter to the OECD on basic labour rights in Israel

    Report by Assaf Adiv and Roni Ben Efrat, WAC WAC Maan calls on OECD not to accept Israel as a member as long as it does not respect basic labour rights Assaf Adiv, WAC National Coordinator WAC Ma”an Nazareth Israel Office: ?4-6020680 Mobil: ?50-4330034 E mail: assafa[at]maan.org.il Web site: www.wac-maan.org.il Dear friends Following is a […]

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  • Full-Circle of The Waiting Game: Total Boycott Against Total Occupation

    Antoine Raffoul “¢ Mar 8th, 2010 We are inspired now to put a halt to the arguments that call for a selective boycott of Israel, and to those voices which warn us Palestinians (and many internationalists, for that matter) who criticise Israel for fear of being labelled ‘anti-semites’ (although we are Semites). We challenge politicians […]

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  • H&M Don’t Buy into Occupation

    This campaign builds on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) call made by the Palestinian civil society in 2005 and the international BDS movement that followed. Inspired by the non-violent struggle against the Israeli occupation and oppression of Palestine, we acted when we heard that H&M were about to open seven stores in Israel. To […]

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  • Join the Second Global BDS Day of Action 30 March 2010

    BNC Call for Action The BDS National Committee (BNC) is calling on you to unite in your different capacities and struggles for a Global BDS Day of Action on 30 March 2010 in solidarity with the Palestinian people and for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The BNC calls on people of conscience and […]

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