• UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign BDS newspaper appeal

    Help PSC campaign for Justice in Palestine – help us put a UK national advert in the press to promote the Boycott Israeli Goods campaign As the situation in Jerusalem worsens, as the siege on Gaza continues and as colonial settlements in the West Bank consume more Palestinian land, the need to build a mass […]

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  • Add Hewlett Packard to your Divestment List

    Below are more guerrilla bus stop poster art from our team in the San Francisco Bay Area. These are some of the many companies that need to be divested from and boycotted. Click here to see more guerrilla bus stop poster art.

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  • UC Berkeley student senate votes in favor of divestment

    Dina Omar, The Electronic Intifada, 19 March 2010 Early yesterday morning, the University of California Berkeley Student Senate (ASUC) passed a bill to divest from companies that provide military support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Debate began the night before at 9:00pm and ended and six hours later when the vote was held at […]

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  • Book review: Higher education under occupation

    Marcy Newman, The Electronic Intifada, 19 March 2010 Gabi Baramki’s Peaceful Resistance: Building a Palestinian University under Occupation (Pluto Press, 2009) is a memoir of Palestine’s flagship university, Birzeit, by its former acting president. The memoir is an indispensable tool for teaching Westerners about the ways in which Palestinian education exists and flourishes under a […]

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  • US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government

    WASHINGTON, March 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The US Department of Justice has been formally asked to begin regulating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as the foreign agent of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A 392 page legal filing presented by a four person IRmep delegation in a two hour meeting with top officials […]

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  • ‘Free Palestine – Boycott Israel’ Protest – Birmingham University March 2010

    http://northfieldpatriot.blogspot.com/ Salma Yaqoobs blog said: Protest at visit of the Israeli Deputy Ambassador to Birmingham. The protest assembled at 3pm, at the Muirhead Tower at the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston Campus. Salma Yaqoob (Respect leader) wrote; “I will be attending and I encourage as many as possible to join me”.

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  • BDS Day of Action – March 30, 2010

    BNC Call for Action Join the Second Global BDS Day of Action 30 March 2010 The BDS National Committee (BNC) is calling on you to unite in your different capacities and struggles for a Global BDS Day of Action on 30 March 2010 in solidarity with the Palestinian people and for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions […]

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  • Semantics and Apartheid

    by Kim Petersen / March 18th, 2010 In Canada, support for Zionism and Israeli oppression of Palestinians is deeply entrenched in the political duopoly. Liberal prime minister Paul Martin even proclaimed, “Israel”s values are Canada”s values,” as if Canada had to look elsewhere to determine its own values. Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper tried to […]

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  • OECD Countries Attempt to Illegally Affirm Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian, Syrian Territories

    Israel’s proposed ascension to the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is nearly complete, while the details of this ascension provide a worrying picture of European negligence: The statistics provided by Israel to the OECD’s committees have no reference to the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the almost four million Palestinians who live there – […]

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  • Israel: Image Management Crisis!

    by Doug Minkler To All Academics, Artists and Entertainers: Israel Needs Your ENDORSEMENT! Doug Minkler: “Corporations want artists to glorify their wars, their products & their philosophies. I make posters for my own preservation, that is, planetary preservation. My prints are inspired not by rugged individualism, but by the collective humor, defiance, & lust for […]

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