• URGENT ACTION: Support of UC Berkeley student divestment needed

    If you have a moment thank the UC Berkeley Senate in their decision to approve the divestment resolution and express support to the President who is going to sign this bill. We need you to SEND LETTERS OF SUPPORT to the Senate as well as the President because they are receiving a LOT of hate […]

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  • An open letter to Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations from Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel

    Gaza March 21, 2010 Your Excellency: You are already well aware of the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza consequent on Israel”s devastating military attacks and its siege. As recently as December 27of 2009, you called the blockade of Gaza “unacceptable.” While this statement is certainly valid, it constitutes a gross understatement of the actual situation […]

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  • Mauritania severs diplomatic ties with Israel

    Mauritania has fully severed diplomatic ties with Israel, the northwest African country’s foreign minister said late on Saturday, completing a process that began last year. Mauritania, an Islamic nation that straddles black and Arab Africa, has stopped “completely and definitely its diplomatic relations with Israel,” Naha Mint Mouknass said in the desert capital Nouakchott. At […]

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  • UPDATED: Israel Wants Reel Change, We Want Real Change

    Voices of Palestine is calling on people of conscience to join us for two nights to protest the inclusion of Israeli films in the Seattle Jewish Film Festival. The screening of Israeli films, along with funding by the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest, violates the 2004 call of “Palestinian academics and intellectuals” […]

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  • Why I Boycott Israel – Sam Nichols

    [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTve0ktjA2A For more information see: http://bdsmovement.net/ In 2005, Palestinian civil society called upon people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era, until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination […]

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  • Response to Alan Dershowitz’s “Lets Have a Real Apartheid Education Week”

    by Ziyaad Lunat / March 19th, 2010 Alan Dershowitz recently wrote an op-ed in the Huffington Post attacking Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). He argues that “radical Islamic students” are behind the event and their sole purpose is to “demonize Israel”. After painting the organizers as “extremists”, Dershowitz (a self-proclaimed “moderate” who supports torture and Israeli […]

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  • Wave of Divestment Resolutions Destroys Israel’s legitimacy on campus!

    Compiled by Blaine Coleman University of California at Berkeley Student Senate votes for divestment against Israeli war crimes UC Berkeley student senate passes divestment resolution Press Release From UC Berkeley SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) March 18, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Download the text of the UC Berkeley Divestment Bill here. For the first […]

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  • Costco Targeted for Selling Israeli Products

    BY ELLIOT ZWIEBACH ISSAQUAH, Wash. – Appeals are being sent out via the Internet urging consumers to boycott Costco Wholesale Corp. here for selling Israeli products, including clementines, a variety of mandarin orange. The emails say there is an international boycott against Israeli products because of alleged genocide last year in the Gaza Strip region. […]

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  • Should California Divest from Israel?

    Two new ballot initiatives were cleared for circulation this week by the Secretary of State’s office. This is the stage where backers must get over 400,000 signatures from Californians to qualify for the ballot. Of the two, the most notable one would prohibit state retirement funds from investing in Israel. Specifically, the Public Employees” Retirement […]

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  • War on Want supermarket sweep in London!

    Join our Supermarket sweep on Tuesday 30 March! Join War on Want”s Supermarket Action on Tuesday 30 March! High street supermarkets are profiting from Israel”s occupation of Palestine by selling produce from Israeli settlements. Under international law, Israel”s settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal. By selling settlement produce, supermarkets are complicit […]

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