• UC Berkeley divestment vote–it isn’t over yet

    Being a part of the tremendous coalition effort to pass a divestment bill at Berkeley was quite simply an ecstatic experience. As my colleague Sydney Levy said, “The movement grew by an enormous leap today.” First, the vote itself: after the UC Berkeley Student Senate originally voted on March 18, by a margin of 16-4, […]

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  • X-Factor’s Stacy Solomon withdraws from “celebrate Israel” concert

    Exclusive to ISM London Representatives for X-Factor runner-up Stacy Solomon said today that the singer would no longer be performing at the Zionist Federation”s “celebration of Israeli independence” on Monday. The move comes after activists part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli apartheid wrote to Solomon to ask that she withdraw […]

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  • Eyewitness accounts of UC Berkeley divestment debate

    More on the incredible UC Berkeley divestment debate: US Campaign Steering Committee member Sophia Ritchie writes from Berkeley: “I write these words after staying up all night alongside many, many others as we awaited the decision from UCB ASUC senators as to whether they would overturn the veto on SB 118, calling on the UC […]

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  • Berkeley’s BDS epic continues; Dispatches

    Posted by Helena Cobban April 15, 2010 10:51 AM EST The debate at U.C. Berkeley’s student Senate (ASUC) continued throughout last night, on whether to over-ride the veto the Senate president had cast against the recent divestment bill. The divestment bill, if passed, would mandate that the ASUC divest from companies that actively support Israel’s […]

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  • Showdown for Human Rights in Berkeley

    by Rae Abileah on April 15, 2010 A former IDF soldier is speaking out in opposition to the occupation of Palestine. An 85-year old Holocaust survivor testifies to the peril of waiting to make a decision rather than saving lives now by stopping war machines. A queer Jewish Latino speaks about his own journey from […]

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  • ASUC Senate Still Undecided on Vetoed Divestment Bill

    By Allie Bidwell and Nick Myers Following a nearly nine-hour discussion that began at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday evening and lasted into Thursday morning, ASUC senators have yet to reach a decision on whether or not they would uphold or override President Will Smelko’s March 24 veto of a controversial bill urging the student government and […]

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  • UC Berkeley Divestment Debate Shows Importance of Campus Divestment Movement

    The UC Berkeley divestment debate was a 12-hour nail biter. At one point, the Associated Students of the University of California Berkeley (ASUC) cast their vote: 12 votes to overturn veto of divestment at UC Berkeley. 7 votes in favor of veto. 1 abstention. 1 vote short of the number need to overturn President Smelko’s […]

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  • Letter of Support to Our Friends in the BDS Movement in France

    English after French April 14, 2010 Nous sommes des citoyens israéliens. Nous voudrions exprimer notre soutien í  nos amis en France qui défendent l”appel palestinien au Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) internationales í  l”encontre d”Israí«l. Nous aimerions insister sur le fait que prendre part í  une activité de cette sorte n”est d”aucune manií¨re discriminatoire, antisémite […]

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  • UC Berkeley: Divest from war crimes!

    BNC salutes University of California Berkeley Student Senate for Passing Israel Divestment Bill and encourages students to stand on the right side of history once again! Reaffirm Senate bill 118A! Occupied Palestine, 14 April 2010 – The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) wishes to express its full and unreserved praise for the […]

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  • Why I Boycott Israel – Maureen Jack

    In 2005, Palestinian civil society called upon people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era, until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with international law. […]

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