• European Jews for a Just Peace in Support of UC Berkeley Divest Bill

    April 23, 2010 EJJP in Support of UC Berkeley Divest Bill Dear Members of UC Berkeley”s ASUC: We, EJJP a network of Jewish organizations from ten countries in Europe, dedicated to building a just peace, promoting human and civil rights in Israel/Palestine, join the call made to the UC Berkeley Senate to overturn the veto […]

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  • Statement of Divestment Support from On-Campus Student Organizations

    Dear ASUC Senate, We, the below named campus organizations, fully support Senate Bill 118A, “A Bill In Support of UC Divestment From War Crimes.” As a University, we should not be profiting from war crimes. Investing our money in weapons manufacturers whose weapons have been directly linked to war crimes committed in the Palestinian territories […]

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  • Statement of Support for Divestment from Off Campus Organizations

    Dear ASUC senate, We, the below named organizations, fully support Senate Bill 118A, “A Bill In Support of UC Divestment From War Crimes.” Though we may or may not be a part of the UC Berkeley community, we do not believe that American Universities should be profiting from war crimes. Investing money in weapons manufacturers […]

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  • SB118X – An Alternative Resolution We Can Agree On

    Quote by Student Action Sentaor Nhu Nhu Nguyen: “The issue is the specificity of the bill,” she said at the meeting. “I agree with all the things that call for divestment, but the specificity is something I cannot agree with.” (Daily Cal, 4/22/10). A Bill In Support of Divestment from Some Companies Authored By: Someone […]

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  • Tickets for Scott-Heron show still on sale in Tev Aviv, but no longer listed on Scott-Heron’s website

    April 26, 2010 From Ha’aretz, April 26: Human rights activists are attempting to pressure American hip-hop artist Gil Scott-Heron to cancel his scheduled concert in Israel, slated to take place in Tel Aviv on May 25th. Over the weekend Scott-Heron, who is presenting new material this year for the first time in 16 years, gave […]

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  • Will the Revolution be TelAvivized?

    By Jillian For weeks, activists have been asking Gil Scott-Heron to join the boycott movement against Israel and not play an upcoming concert date in Tel Aviv. Scott-Heron, an influential artist and activist on issues of social justice and equality, was a member of United Artists Against Apartheid in the 1980s and a featured singer […]

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  • It’s not WHAT we think about the divestment bill, but HOW we think about it – Ibrahim Shikaki

    A lot has been said about the ASUC”s initiative to divest from two companies that profit from the occupation of Palestinian land. The problem with the divestment bill, though, is not what we think about it, but how. What has disturbed me the most as a visiting student from Palestine are not the ludicrous falsehoods […]

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  • Responsible Stance for Peace, Dignity and Justice is Never Neutral – Lara Kiswani

    It”s never popular to stand up for justice. It especially isn”t popular if you”re doing so while getting threats from powerful lobbying groups and vocal students. That”s why the student senate at UC Berkeley is tasked with a pretty difficult job. As students and community in support of Palestine continue to urge the senators to […]

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  • Divest so that Children Can Live – Layal Ahmed

    UC Berkeley”s divestment bill has given me hope. As a Lebanese growing up in the 80″s in the then occupied southern part of the country, my life was and will always be centered on the Arab-Israeli conflict. SB118A awakened my activism for this issue that has shaped every aspect of my life. It also revived […]

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  • Model Letter to your Government to Hold Israel Accountable

    Your Excellency The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is scheduled to convene in May 2010 in order to take a formal decision on Israel”s application for membership in the Organization. A vote for Israel”s accession to the OECD will be regarded by people of conscience around the world as a decisive and far-reaching […]

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