• “Seeds of the new movement”: US Campaign Steering Committee member Sophia Ritchie reports from UC Berkeley

    The following report on the divestment vote at UC Berkeley is shared by US Campaign Steering Committee member and UC Berkeley alum Sophia Ritchie: I am here again for another late night ASUC hearing, at my alma mater UC Berkeley, surrounded by hundreds of students and community members, most of who are here supporting the […]

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  • Israeli companies interested in joint ventures with Indian firms

    V. Sridhar Bangalore: Israeli companies with expertise in niche areas are looking to develop ties with Indian firms to exploit markets in third world countries. Speaking to The Hindu, Orna Sagiv, Consul-General at the Israeli Consulate in Mumbai, said: “Israeli companies need not be seen as competitors to Indian companies but as complementing them by […]

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  • From Arizona to Palestine: Documentation, Deportation, and Boycott

    Tell me if this sounds familiar: A new order allows enforcement officials to stop anyone who “looks illegal” (read: has brown skin) and demand that they produce documents proving their right to be in a place they call home. Failure to produce such documents can lead to fines, jail time, or deportation. Widely seen as […]

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  • Zio-hummus alert: boycott

    The company Sabra Dipping Company, LLC is selling a huge quantity of hummus, babaganoush, “Moroccan matbucha” and other middle eastern/Arabic recipes throughout the U.S.A. through Costco, Ralphs, Vons and many large grocery chains. Currently, the container of the Sabra brand products says it is made in the USA by Sabra Dipping Company, LLC out of […]

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  • Saturday protests effectively close Israeli settler cosmetics shop

    By JC Boyce, ISM London The sun shone on our faces and red, black, green and white flags fluttered in our hands as we embarked on the fourth fortnightly “Boycott Ahava” demonstration in Covent Garden on Saturday. London”s finest had already kindly prepared a holding pen for us, which was swiftly adorned with informative posters, […]

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  • Elvis Costello: Don’t Play Apartheid Israel

    PSC Letter to Elvis Costello 27 April 2010 Dear Elvis Costello, We were shocked to see from your website that you are planning on performing in Israel this June. The Palestinian people have lived under military occupation for decades. The siege by the Israeli army and the economic blockade have devastated their daily lives so […]

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  • BDS Alert: Israeli Gov’t Funded Film Ajami Returns to Seattle and Other US Cities

    In early March, [Michelle J. Kinnican] wrote in the Palestine Chronicle, “Ajami is an Israeli film that is in contention for an Academy Award this Sunday for Best Foreign Language Film. Whether it wins the Oscar or not, it has already gained a lot of international attention and accolades and it will probably be in […]

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  • BDS: Noam Sheizaf teaches the “Israeli Left” the ABC of denial

    The number of people who understood the deep perfidy also known as “the Israeli left” used to be small, and their ideas used to be taboo outside their miniscule publications. One of the salutary effects of BDS is that it helps clarify this perfidy and open the debate to a kind of political knowledge that […]

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  • Israeli Citizens Say: Do Not Approve Israel’s OECD Membership Until It Abides by International Law

    In May 2010 the OECD ministerial committee will vote on the admission of Israel as a member of the organization. As Israeli citizens, we are concerned by the policies of the Israeli governments, policies which violate international law, violate the basic human rights of Palestinians under occupation and serve to instigate instability, violence and suffering […]

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  • Canadian Union of Postal Workers Urges Canada to Block Israel’s OECD Membership

    April 28, 2010 Prime Minister Stephen Harper House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Dear Prime Minister Harper: Via mail and email On behalf of the 54,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, I am strongly urging you to block Israel”s membership to the Organization for Economic Co?Operation and Development (OECD) until it […]

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