• Singing for Justice as a Life-long Commitment

    by Marta Rodriguez / May 3rd, 2010 Recently, those of us who care about justice received with great joy and relief the news that Mr. Gil Scott-Heron canceled his scheduled concert in “Tel Aviv.” In view of the destruction and suffering the Palestinians have endured for the sake of that racist colonial enterprise known as […]

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  • Boston Activists Disrupt Israeli Propaganda Event at Museum of ScienceTuesday, May 4, 2010 7:00 AM

    Local activists protested the so-called “Israeli Innovation Weekend” (IIW) at the Museum of Science in Boston through multiple, disparate actions on Sunday. IIW”s sponsors, including the Consulate General of Israel to New England, were left flummoxed by the activists” efforts and largely unable to prevent their successful, multi-pronged disruption of the event. Protesters targeted IIW […]

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  • Report on Protest of Israeli Dance Group on Mercer Island

    Today, eight people of conscience took a nonviolent stand for justice and peace in front of the Stroum Jewish Community Center? on Mercer Island. The BDS action was called to protest the performance of an Israeli dance troupe that hails from a town built on the remnants of Qastina, a town violently ethnically cleansed of […]

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  • Settlement cantaloupe seized in Bethlehem

    Bethlehem – Ma’an – Palestinian Authority customs said agents seized a truck loaded with ten tons of cantaloupe from Israeli settlements en route to Bethlehem on Sunday night. Director of Bethlehem”s customs office Amin Abu Aqil said the fruit was set for sale in Bethlehem markets, in contravention of the PA ban on the purchase […]

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  • Historic Opportunity at Hand

    By Anfal Awwadh, Benjamin Balthaser, Oliver Burchill, Amar Dalmar and Aaron Dimsdale Task Force, A.S. Divestment Resolution2009 We have a historic opportunity to stop our university from contributing to the violation of human rights. This is a controversial issue, as all movements for social justice are. But let us be clear: The controversy surrounding the […]

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  • Medical Professionals Issue Divestment Letter

    Groups call for UA, UAPD to end contracts with Motorola, Caterpillar By Luke Money Published: Monday, May 3, 2010 More than 50 members of the UA and Tucson medical community have signed a letter calling for the UA to end its contracts with the Motorola and Caterpillar corporations because of their alleged roles in health […]

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  • PSAF greets Berkeley students’ divestment struggle

    The Progressive Student Action Front in Gaza Palestine, issued the following statement to the students of the University of California – Berkeley in the United States, where their university’s student government was considering a bill on April 28, 2010 to call upon the university to divest its holdings in two arms manufacturers that sell weapons […]

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  • Petition against Israel’s accession to OECD in Italian

    Si prega la massima diffusione! Firma la petizione contro l”ingresso di Israele all”OCSE http://bit.ly/be4ksi Mancano ormai pochi giorni all”11 maggio, data in cui si prevede la decisione dell”OCSE sull”adesione di Israele come stato membro. A meno che non ci sia una forte mobilitazione per fargli cambiare idea! Per bloccare l”ingresso di un nuovo stato membro […]

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  • An Open Letter to Amitav Ghosh

    1-May-2010 Fifty intellectuals write to Amitav Ghosh asking him to to reconsider accepting the Dan David prize (to be awarded on 9th May by Israeli president Shimon Peres) and to respond to their appeal to support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. Dear Amitav Ghosh, Many of us who count ourselves among your […]

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