• Montreal: professors and university employees call for Israel boycott

    Le Devoir. January 24 2009. We are a group of teachers and employees at Quebec colleges and universities who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and with the people of Gaza who have suffered through the Israeli siege as targets of Israel”s brutal military attack. It will take more than ceasefires to bring a […]

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  • A letter from BRICUP

    Dear Supporter, We would not normally write to you about the affairs of another organisation, however PSC, with whom BRICUP has worked increasingly closely, is the central British organisation in the campaign for Palestinian rights and decisions taken by PSC in relation to BDS critically affect the work of BRICUP. If you are a member […]

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  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

    Mission Statement: Responding to the CALL of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, we are a US campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, as delineated by PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel): “In light of Israel’s persistent […]

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  • Urgent Appeal for the US Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

    Urgent Appeal: We are also responding to the Open Letter to International Academic Institutions from the Right to Education campaign at Birzeit University in Palestine (January 17, 2009), calling on the international academic community, unions and students “to show support and solidarity with the people of Gaza by calling upon their respective governments to impose […]

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  • Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: A Letter to DeGioia

    By Sohrab Ghassemi | Jan 16 2009 | Dear President DeGioia: We write to you today with a deep concern for the situation in Gaza. As the leader of our university, Dr. DeGioia, we have admired your dedication to affirming the Catholic and Jesuit heritage of our institution time and again. That tradition includes a […]

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  • LRB contributors react to events in Gaza

    Tariq Ali A few weeks before the assault on Gaza, the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army published a levelheaded document on “Hamas and Israel”, which argued that “Israel”s stance towards the democratically-elected Palestinian government headed by Hamas in 2006, and towards Palestinian national coherence – legal, territorial, political and economic – has been […]

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  • 300 Canadian academics send letter to Harper, Call for Sanctions

    Dear Prime Minister Harper and Foreign Affairs Minister Cannon: We the undersigned academics and educators express our condemnation of Israel’s attack on Gaza. With over 600 dead, including 100 children, we call on the Canadian government to demand an immediate cessation of Israeli hostilities. As per the position of UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights […]

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  • Dear President-elect Obama

    The Daily Star (Beirut) / January 12, 2009 Open Letter Editor’s note: The following is a letter addressed to US President-elect Barack Obama calling for the United States to change its policies vis-a-vis the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, especially in light of Israel’s current onslaught against the Gaza Strip. It was signed by more than 900 academics, […]

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  • “Stop the Massacre in Gaza – Boycott Israel Now!”

    “Stop the Massacre in Gaza – Boycott Israel Now!” (Links to Arabic, Spanish, French and Portuguese version below) Occupied Ramallah, Palestine – 27 December 2008: Today, the Israeli occupation army committed a new massacre in Gaza, causing the death and injury of hundreds of Palestinian civilians, including a yet unknown number of school children who […]

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  • End the Carnage in Gaza–Boycott the Israeli Academy Now!

    End the Carnage in Gaza–Boycott the Israeli Academy Now! Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE) | Press Release | December 29, 2008 The Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees condemns in the strongest possible terms the bombing today of the campus of the Islamic University in Gaza. This […]

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