Open Letter to MF Doom: Don’t entertain a doomed apartheid regime!
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel issued to following call to MF Doom, calling upon him to respect the Palestinian call for academic and cultural boycott: It is with great disappointment that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has learned of your scheduled performance […]
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Chicago students disrupt Israeli apartheid on 2 campuses
Students and community members stage simultaneous walkouts of Israeli political events at Northwestern and DePaul Universities Contact:”¨Ishan Chakrabarti, ishan.chakrabarti@gmail.com or Agnieszka Karoluk a.karoluk@gmail.com CHICAGO, IL (November 11, 2011)–On the evening of November 10th, students and community members staged two simultaneous walkouts at events promoting Israel”s narrative of its history and politics. At Northwestern University”s […]
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Carleton students protest JNF Apartheid Dinner
Students Against Israeli Apartheid at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada led a protest at Carleton University on November 7, 2011 against the University’s official sponsorship of a fundraising dinner for the Jewish National Fund, including Carleton’s president, Roseann Runte, serving as honourary co-chair of the dinner. The students pointed to the JNF’s major role in […]
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Placebo Effect: Lawsuit Might Boost BDS Campaign in Lebanon
The following article was printed in Al-Akhbar English on November 10, 2011. To act in support of the campaign, sign on to this statement. By: Sanaa Khoury A lawsuit against BDS activists in Beirut has ignited a debate about freedom of expression and is shaping up to be a landmark case in Lebanese courts. The […]
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Jerusalem String Quartet met by protests across North America
USACBI initiated a call for North America-wide protests against a tour of the Jerusalem String Quartet. The Quartet, a project of the Jerusalem Music Centre, and a longtime part of “Brand Israel” efforts to associate Israel with art and culture rather than apartheid and occupation, was met by protests in Costa Mesa, California; Vancouver, BC; […]
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Take Apartheid off the Menu! A European Day of Action Against Israeli Agricultural Produce Exporters – November 26, 2011
The BDS National Committee published the following call for a Europe-wide Day of Action against Israeli Produce Exporters. Please read and join in: Occupied Palestine, 11 November 2011 – Export of Israeli agricultural produce is at the heart of Israel”s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people. It is an integral component of the ongoing process of […]
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The Russell Tribunal On Palestine Cape Town Session: Summary Of Findings, 7 November 2011
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine released the following findings during its November 5-6, 2011 session in Cape Town, South Africa: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) is an international citizen-based Tribunal of conscience created in response to the demands of civil society (NGOs, charities, unions, faith-based organisations) to educate public opinion and put pressure on […]
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Open Letter Regarding the CSU-Israel Study Abroad Program
The following Open Letter to California State University Chancellor Charles Reed calls upon CSU to not reinstate the Israel Study Abroad Program because of Israeli human rights violations. CSU Faculty, Students, Staff, and Administrators who wish to endorse this open letter may do so by contacting: David Klein, david.klein@csun.edu The letter may be found here: […]
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Occupy the Occupiers: Young Jews occupy “Birthright Israel”
The following call was issued by Young, Jewish and Proud on November 10, 2011, and marked by an Occupy the Occupiers action at a Birthright Israel event in New York: We call for young Jews and allies nationwide to join in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and with our Palestinian siblings living under their own […]
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BDS Success: Yardbirds cancel concert in Israel
From the Refrain Playing Israel blog, great news about a cancellation by the Yardbirds: Many Yardbird fans are thrilled to hear that these British legends, famous for the unmatched single “For Your Love,” will not play in apartheid Israel. Professor Haim Bresheeth, Mike Cushman, Professor Adah Kay, and Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, calling themselves “ancient geezers,” wrote an OPEN LETTER […]
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