• Letter to Arch Enemy from a Fan: Don’t Play Apartheid Israel

    The following letter was written to Arch Enemy by fan and Palestine solidarity activist Mike Krebs. To join the Facebook group calling on Arch Enemy to cancel its show in Apartheid Israel, visit this page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/Arch.Enemy.Resist.Apartheid.Israel Dear Arch Enemy, I am writing to you as a fan to ask that you please cancel your scheduled […]

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  • Arch Enemy: Stand with Revolution not Apartheid

    PACBI | November 30, 2011 It is with great disappointment that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has learned of your scheduled performance in Israel set for January 24, 2012 [1].  Given that Israel is involved in grave violations of international law and human rights we urge you to […]

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  • BDS South Africa exposes JNF Greenwashing at COP 17

    BDS South Africa issued the following release (with pamphlets) about the Jewish National Fund and it’s attempt to ‘greenwash’ its racist practices and policies: With COP17, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, taking place in South Africa we’ve been approached by several environmental justice organizations regarding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and its presence at […]

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  • Announcing the launch of Punks Against Apartheid!

    USACBI is thrilled to congratulate Punks Against Apartheid on the launch of their website and campaign: It”s finally happened! After months of planning, re-planning, and sending ourselves back to the drawing board countless times, we are thrilled and proud to announce the official launch of the Punks Against Apartheid website and network. Lots has happened […]

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  • PSG-Chicago protests Israeli Film Festival, calls for cultural boycott

    From Maureen Clare Murphy at the Electronic Intifada: Last month the Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago (PSG) (with which I”ve organized for the past several years) and other organizations protested the opening night of the Israeli film festival – dubbed the REAL Israel Film Festival. As a release from PSG states, the festival was sponsored Consulate General of […]

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  • Irish Gardai break up peaceful cultural boycott protest

    The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign held a cultural boycott picket outside “Israeli Film Days,” which was attacked and forcibly removed by the Gardai. A protest outside the Israeli Embassy sponsored “Israeli Film Days” in Temple Bar turned acrimonious this evening when Gardai broke up a peaceful demonstration by pro-Palestinian activists outside the venue. Citing Section […]

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  • EI: In new pinkwashing recruitment campaign, Israel offers free travel for propaganda services

    The following piece, published by Asa Winstanley at the Electronic Intifada,  exposes a new planned PR campaign for Israeli apartheid, based on giving away free trips: The story of the floundering “Brand Israel“ advertising campaign continues. An Israeli government ministry has established a propaganda website called Hasbara.gov.il – a Hebrew word often translated as “propaganda”. […]

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  • We Refuse to be Complicit! Declaration of Swiss Artists Responding to the Palestinian Appeal for Solidarity

    The following Swiss artists signed a declaration in response to the Israeli “Culturescapes” festival, scheduled to bring Brand Israel to Switzerland: When Israel, through the Culturescapes festival, conducts a wide public relations campaign in Switzerland, when the program Swiss Season invites Swiss artists to present their works in prestigious venues in Israel, the undersigned artists […]

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  • An Open Letter from Gaza to Mireille Mathieu: Boycott Apartheid in the Name of Love!

    Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine The following call was issued by artists and musicians in Gaza, calling upon Mireille Mathieu to respect the boycott and cancel her performance in Tel Aviv: Dear Mireille Mathieu, We are a group of artists, musicians and singers from Gaza. It has come to our knowledge that you have plans to […]

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  • USACBI in solidarity with the Freedom Riders

    On November 17th, six young Palestinians challenged Israeli apartheid by boarding the Veolia-operated bus reserved for Jewish settlers, which crosses through occupied Palestinian lands on segregated roads, in a campaign modeled on the US Freedom Ride fifty years ago. Like the US Freedom Riders, the Palestinians were roughly removed from the bus and detained. These […]

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