Statement: Boycott the Jim Pattison Group
The following is a statement issued by the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver. USACBI is one of the endorsers of this statement (see below.) All endorsements should be sent to info@cpavancouver.org and will be noted on CPA’s website. Jim Pattison Supports Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians March 9, 2012 – Canada Palestine Association calls on all supporters of […]
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April 28: Nikhil Pal Singh at Brooklyn Peace Fair
“Palestine and Global Justice” Recently returned from a US scholars’ delegation to Israel and Occupied Palestine, where he met with people in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Haifa, and visited the Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem, Dr. Nikhil Singh will discuss his experiences and explain why justice for Palestine condenses the major moral, ethical […]
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Yves Béhar, Sodastream is not ethical, so it cannot be beautiful!
USACBI is a signatory of the following letter to designer Yves Behar, authored by BDS-Italia and Stop SodaStream-Italia: Dear Yves Béhar, We recently learned of your collaboration with Sodastream, the Israeli producer of home carbonation devices, and that you will be presenting a new design for the company at MOST in Milan. As human rights […]
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Scottish government involved in undermining BDS campaign against Eden Springs
Documents obtained by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign show how a subsidiary of an Israeli company operating in Britain turned successfully for help from the Scottish Government to deal with what the Israeli company called “a wave of protests…that is threatening the future of Eden Springs UK”. The contract cancellations had created a “pressing situation” […]
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Bill Fletcher: Why Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Should Be Used to Target Israeli Apartheid
Why Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Should Be Used to Target Israeli Apartheid By Bill Fletcher, Jr., AlterNet Posted on April 8, 2012, Printed on April 8, 2012 http://www.alternet.org/story/154908/why_boycotts%2C_divestment_and_sanctions_should_be_used_to_target_israeli_apartheid I read with great interest Peter Beinart”s recent New York Times op-ed “To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements.” His thesis is straightforward: Beinart believes Israel is a […]
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Boycott, Divest and Sanction at the University of Michigan
The following article was published in the “Michigan Daily” on April 5, 2012: Boycott, Divest and Sanction by Ahmed Hasan MICHIGAN DAILY (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus) As we write this piece, more than 5,300 Palestinians are imprisoned in Israeli jails. Zero Israelis are imprisoned in Palestinian jails. A total of 24,813 Palestinian homes have […]
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Why is Palestine solidarity being criminalized on California campuses? by Kristin Szremski
The following article, by Kristin Szremski, was published by the Electronic Intifada on April 3, 2012: Why is Palestine solidarity being criminalized on California campuses? Kristin Szremski The Electronic Intifada Chicago 3 April 2012 Cooperation between academic authorities at the University of California at Davis and influential Zionist organizations could have an adverse impact on Palestine solidarity […]
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100 Years of the ANC: Lessons for South Africans in Solidarity with Palestinians resisting Israeli Apartheid by Ahmed Kathrada
As a South African who has lived and suffered under apartheid and spent nearly thirty years of my adult life in its jails for resisting it, I can and do humbly claim to know something about the meaning of apartheid. You do not get to journey as far and as long as I have with […]
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British actors and directors call for Israeli state theatre to be withdrawn from Globe festival
The following letter by notable British actors, producers, directors, screenwriters and members of the theatre community was published in the Guardian on March 29, 2012: We notice with dismay and regret that Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London has invited Israel‘s National Theatre, Habima, to perform The Merchant of Venice in its Globe to Globe festival this coming May. […]
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National M.E.Ch.A. Endorses Palestinian Boycott Call Against Israel
Latin@ Groups Across US Take Historic Stand at 19th Annual Conference; Decision Announced on National César Chávez Day At the 18th annual national conference of M.E.Ch.A. (Movímíento Estudíantíl Chícan@ de Aztlán), the largest association of Latin@ youth in the US, chapter leaders voted by a landslide decision to endorse the global call for Boycott, Divestment, […]
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