Students Support the American Studies Association Boycott Resolution
The following statement in support of the American Studies Association resolution supporting academic boycott was organized by Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine. Contact CornellS4JP [at] gmail.com if your student group would like to sign on. Dear Curtis Marez, Lisa Duggan, Matthew Jacobson, and John Stephens: As nationwide […]
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USACBI responds to pro-Israel pressure on AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom
The following letter to the Journal of Academic Freedom of the American Association of University Professors was sent by members of the USACBI Organizing Collective, in response to attempts to pressure the Journal to revise its recent issue to include anti-boycott papers not submitted in response to the original call for papers. Ali Abunimah at […]
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Petition: LIU Denies Sabbatical for ”Zionism & Propaganda” Book
Harriet Malinowitz is a full professor of English at Long Island University-Brooklyn, with a specialty in writing and rhetoric, who has been denied a sabbatical to work on my book on Zionism and Propaganda. The proposal was approved by the department personal committee and the department co-chairs. The university administration refuses to give a reason […]
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Radio interview: Prof. David Klein on Zionist harassment of BDS supporters
Voice of Palestine, a weekly radio program produced in Vancouver, interviewed Professor David Klein, member of the Organizing Collective of USACBI in its October 12 episode. Professor Klein teaches at California State University Northridge, and is being targeted by Zionist groups for his support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Download an […]
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October 23: Militarization, Domestic Spying, and the Boycott of Israel, New York City
Please join NYACT for a panel discussion entitled “Militarization, Domestic Spying, and the Boycott of Israel.” WHEN: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 – 7:00-9:00 PM WHERE: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South – Assembly Hall, New York City Scheduled speakers are: David Swanson (RootsAction), journalist and author of War No More: The Case for Abolition (2013) and The Military Industrial Complex at 50 (2012), will […]
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Do Not Apply: Open Letter Campaign to Boycott Hebrew University
Open Letter Campaign to Boycott Hebrew University Assistant Professor Position in Communication and Journalism (Cinema, Visual Culture, Media, and Discourse Studies) Dear Colleagues: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem”s Department of Communication and Journalism recently announced the opening of a tenure-track research and teaching position to begin July 2014. Applications are due September 30, 2013. In anticipation of […]
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New AAUP journal explores academic boycott
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has published a new edition of the Journal of Academic Freedom, focusing on the academic boycott of Israel. The full issue is available here: http://www.aaup.org/reports-publications/journal-academic-freedom/volume-4 Articles published in the journal include: Rethinking Academic Boycotts By Marjorie Heins Palestine, Boycott, and Academic Freedom: A Reassessment Introduction By Bill V. Mullen […]
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SAIA York responds to university repression of campus Palestine activism
USACBI is a signatory to the following letter from Students Against Israeli Apartheid at York University in Toronto. SAIA York instituted a successful BDS campaign at the university, which culminated in the endorsement of the York Federation of Students (YFS) for university divestment from corporations complicit in the occupation of Palestine. They have faced a […]
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USACBI commends Mira Nair for her support of BDS and cultural boycott
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel salutes Mira Nair for her strong and clear stand with the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, refusing an invitation to the Haifa International Film Festival in line with the cultural boycott of Israel. Nair Tweeted: I was just invited to […]
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Open Letter to Filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf: Please Be a Messenger of Freedom for Iranian and Palestinian People
We, the undersigned, are a group of Iranian scholars, artists, journalists and activists who are deeply concerned by the recent decision of Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf to take part in the Jerusalem International Film Festival from July 4-13, 2013. His participation directly violates the International call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of the State […]
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