USACBI letter calls on scientists to reject settlement university conference, support academic boycott of Israel
The following letter was sent to the invited participants of “Inflation, Alternatives and Gravitational Waves,” a conference taking place at Ariel University, a settler university constructed in an illegal settlement in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, from September 3-6, 2018. Initiated by USACBI Organizing Collective member and mathematician Prof. David Klein and signed by […]
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USACBI is outraged at the sentencing of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, calls for solidarity from artists, writers and cultural workers
We in the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel express our outrage at the sentencing of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour and call for solidarity from artists, writers and cultural workers around the world. On July 31, Tatour was sentenced to 5 months in Israeli prison for her writings online, including her […]
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Nada Elia: “Empty chairs: Combating Israel’s assault on Palestinian academia”
The following article, by Nada Elia, was first published online on July 23, 2018, at Middle East Eye. Nada Elia is a member of the Organizing Collective of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. In Cork, Ireland, last month, at the annual meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies, an […]
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13th Anniversary of BDS Call: An Interview with Richard Falk
The following interview, by Ahmed Abbes, director of research at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Institute of Advanced Scientific Studies (IHÉS) in Paris, and the Secretary of the French Association of Academics for the Respect of International Law in Palestine (AURDIP), was published first in English at Mondoweiss and in French […]
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American Conference of Irish Studies members condemn Israeli violations of Palestinian academic freedom
The following statement was issued by attendees at the meeting of the American Conference of Irish Studies in Cork, Ireland, in June 2018. USACBI Organizing Collective member David Lloyd participated in a panel at the conference on Palestine and Ireland with Conor McCarthy, Ronit Lentin and a Palestinian academic who was forced to participate over […]
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Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Statement on Solidarity with Palestine
Sunaina Maira of USACBI’s organizing collective is one of the initiators of the following statement. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are invited to endorse the statement at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLpPJWsvgY3HknsMfhJ490BbvmEiawRkHoQEGqdRqyYcOD8g/viewform?c=0&w=1 As peoples in the Americas whose ancestors come from countries in Asia, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands, and as members of indigenous communities […]
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Joint statement against ICE and Israeli attacks on families and children #StopICE #StopSeparatingFamilies
The following is a statement released by a coalition of Palestinian, immigrant and refugee rights organizations, led by USACBI. Organizations are invited to sign on to the statement below. To add your endorsement, please use the form or email usacbi@usacbi.org: June 22, 2018 We, the undersigned Palestinian, immigrant and refugee rights organizations led by the […]
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Israel’s Environmental Colonialism and Ecoapartheid by Ben Lorber
The following article by Ben Lorber was reprinted from The Socialist Project. Since the idea of Zionism first gripped the minds of a few intellectuals and the limbs of many agrarian pioneers in the early 20th century, the state of Israel has presented its settlement of the land of Palestine, and its uprooting of the […]
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The Empty Chair: a simple action that academics and students can take in solidarity with Palestinian colleagues
USACBI is reprinting the following statement by John Chalcraft of BRICUP, the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine, first published in the BRICUP Newsletter of 3 November 2017: Academics, researchers and students in privileged and relatively wealthy parts of the world are concerned that our Palestinian peers and colleagues are denied the rights that […]
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USACBI salutes cancellation of Argentina/Israel friendly match – time to ramp up sports boycott
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel salutes the campaigners for justice in Argentina, Palestine and around the world who achieved this important step. We thank the players of the Argentine national team who pushed to achieve this conclusion. International sports competition must not be allowed to be used as a means […]
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