Endorsers join the demand to boycott the Israel Philharmonic’s US tour!

Organizations and individuals are joining USACBI’s call to Stop Israel’s Concerto Macabre: Boycott the Israel Philharmonic 2025 US Tour!

Check out the call to action or endorse below:

The Israel Philharmonic is launching a 2025 US tour in multiple US cities. Join the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel to boycott and protest the tour.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) called on the world community in 2004 to boycott Israeli academic and cultural institutions for their deep and persistent complicity in Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights. One such institution, the Israel Philharmonic, is structurally complicit in Israel’s continuing genocidal campaign. Following Israel’s earlier 2009 assault on Gaza, an Israeli Foreign Ministry official stated, “We will send well-known novelists and writers overseas, theater companies, exhibits…This way you show Israel’s prettier face, so we are not thought of purely in the context of war.” That cynical role of the orchestra continues. As described by its American benefactors, the Israel Philharmonic is “Israel’s preeminent cultural ambassador,” a role intended to distract audiences from Israeli’s genocide of the Palestinian people. USACBI condemns the artwashing of Israeli genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, and calls for a BOYCOTT of Israel Philharmonic’s 2025 U.S. tour.  Stand with the Palestinian people in their unwavering struggle for justice, liberation, and full and equal rights! Free Palestine!!

Organizational Endorsers

Art Against Displacement
Earth Neighborhood Productions
Gaza Action Ireland
Gazelleband فرقة الغزال, Palestinian music ensemble
Migrant English Project
Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel
Palestine Solidarity Working Group (PSWG)
Reject Raytheon Asheville
Yalla Indivisible

Individual Endorsers

Rabab Abdulhadi, Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
Saada Abdullahi Mume
Malek Abisaab, McGill University
Liz Abu Al-Saoud
Nehal Al Tarhuni
Shaukat Ali
Bruce Allen, Bruce R. Allen Paralegal
Sierra Alvarez
Ibrahim Aoude
Ronda Arab
Linden Ash, Quaker
Lamees Audeh
Judy Bailey
Spencer Banks
Gerardo Barrios
Nabil Bayakly, LeMoyne Owen College
Seyedeh Behjatnia
Rosann Benedict, Retired; volunteer
Bara Berg, End Zionism
Patricia Blair
Elizabeth Block, Independent Jewish Voices
Anne Bowers, Women in Black
Louis Brehony, Author and musician
Tom Brennan
Farrell Brody
Florence Brown
Elizabeth Burr
Tura Campanella Cook
Bett Capehart
Simon Caplan
Smadar Carmon
Sonia Carranza
Melissa Cathcart
Craig Clark, The Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church of Ft. Lee NJ
Jane Collier
Allan Connal
Maggie Cooper
Bruce Cratty
Klara Csanyi
Karim Dajani, Psychologist
Farah Daou
Katharine Davies Samway, NorCal Sabeel
Raymond Deane, Composer
Shawn Dejong, Manager
Joanne Demchok
Mary Doty, VCHR
Imad El Sadek
Lizzie Eldridge, Writer
Ayman Fadel
Gloria Fearn
Helen Field, Unite Community
Alexei Folger, Jewish Voice for Peace
Richard Forer
Manzar Foroohar
Hassan Fouda, NorCal Sabeel
Johnny Gagnon, Artist
Thom Geoghegan
Burhan Ghanayem
Nalini Ghuman, Professor of Music
Terri Ginsberg
Arturo Giraldez, Professor
Bob Goonin
Arthur Grant, Physician
Judy Granville
Simon Gulliver
Jenny Hartley
Weiss Harvey, Yale University
David Hindman, Clergy, The United Methodist Church
Lisa Hoff
Dr. James Holdman, musician/composer
Graham Howard
Kelly Howell
Cindy Hwang
Fernando Islas
Deborah Jackman
David Jackson
S Jahangeer, Research Scuentist
Jake Javanshir, Canadian Unitarian for Social Actions
Naomi Junnor, UNISON
Erik Karlström
Sharon Kelly
John King
Elena Klaver, Certified Spanish/English interpreter
Jessica Koraz
Dennis Kortheuer
Robert Kosuth, Democratic Socialists of America
Octavia Kuijken
Kyohei Kurotaki
Ali Latrous
Lisa Leichssenring
Steve Leigh, SEIU
Roger Leisner, Augusta Women in Black
Judith Lienhard
Anthony Lombardy
Mary Lynch, Retired nurse
Malcolm Lyons
Elieth Malfatti
Harriet Malinowitz
Cheney-Maya Mathias
Milo Matthews
Diane McLoughlin
Van Mei Artist
Nancy Mendez
Patricia Mercer
Esther Merves
Melissa Middleton
Brian Mitchell
Seth Morrison
A Munshi
Ultán Murray
Nohad Nassif, Author of Arab Humanist: The Necessity of Basic Income
Omer Negev, CSUN
Beatriz Nualart
Denis O’Brien
Graham Ogden
Jose Ole
Mohamd Omar
Caroline Oreilly
Jane Orendain, JVP
Steve Overton
Jessica Parral
Toffolo Paul
Janice Peck, University of Colorado Boulder
Jeff Pekrul
Joy Pereths
Olff-Rastegar Perrine, Porte parole du Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
David Peters
Andreas Petrossiants
Raumene Rahatzad
Aneil Rallin, Former Tenured Associate Professor/Scholar/Writer
Omar Ramahi
Lorenzo Ramero
Asif Rehman, Engineer
Adele Roof
Richard Rothschiller, Clinical Psychologist
Ziyad Saadi
Rohan Sabnis
Patricia Saenger
Steven Sallie, Truth and Justice
Nicholas Sammond, University of Toronto
Jubran Sarkis
Robert Schwab
Sylvia Schwarz
Amin Shafie
Niloofar Shambayati
Elias Shamieh
Susan Shawl
Stephen Sheehi
Clare Sheridan, Massachusetts Peace Action
Helen Sklar
Jeffrey Skollar, Artist/Filmmaker, Emeritus Professor UC Berkeley
Melinda Smith
Presha Soogrim
Ahdaf Soueif, Writer
Sam Spade
Stan Squires
Rachel Stein
Nancy Stein
Clint Stevens
Helen Stollar
Christopher Stone, Associate Professor of Arabic at Hunter College (CUNY)
Janina Struk
Monica Styron
Thomas Suárez, violinist and composer
Lawrence Sutherland
Joshua Taylor, Composer, improviser, performer
Monica Tenorio
Trisha Terwilliger
Denice Traina
Stephanie Trasoff
Hervé Trétout
Steve Troyanovich
Yann van Heurck
Margaret Villa
Cat Vizor
Pinar Vurucu
Carol Waugh, Lawyer
Michael Woo
Peter and Peggy Yackel
George Ygarza, Binghamton University
Marion Young
Natalie Zadeh
Monica Zheng
Alex Zukas

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